Maya Gupta

Title:  Functional Bregman Divergence, Bayesian Estimation of Distributions, and Completely Lazy Classifiers


We generalize Bregman divergences to a functional Bregman divergence and show that direct Bayesian estimation of a distribution such that the expected functional Bregman risk is minimized leads to the mean distribution, generalizing the well-known result that "the mean minimizes the average squared error." This result and some intuition from multiresolutional theory leads to the first effective Bayesian quadratic discriminant analysis classifier. We propose a new approach to reduce the bias of Bayesian QDA that avoids the difficulties of Gaussian mixture models, and extend the Bayesian framework to create a completely-lazy classifier that has average-performance guarantees and in practice achieves state-of-the-art classification performance for high-dimensional problems without requiring the cross-validation of any parameters.