Modeling Applet

Prototype Modelling Applet
version 0.4

This applet has all options turned on
and all buttons and fields visible.


  1. Enter data as a comma separated list (two columns). In one line, separate pairs by a semicolon ";" or by carriage return. [View the Source for this page]
  2. Press the "Plot Data" button
  3. Click on the type of regression(s) you are interested in:
    1. Linear
    2. Quadratic
    3. Cubic
    4. Quartic
    5. Log
    6. Exp
    7. Power
    The selected buttons are capitalized. Note: Logistic is not yet supported ...
  4. R2 "goodness of fit" appears at the bottom.
  5. You can "Zoom Out" to see the behavior of the curve away from the data
  6. You can enter an x-value (at the top) and press "Find" to calculate the value of the regression curve at this point. The value corresponds to the LAST regression curve computed...
  7. If you click in the plot area, the coordinates appear. When you release the mouse, the coordinates disappear.
  8. You can make the data editable or not via an applet parameter.
  9. You can input your own data through an applet parameter.
  10. You can make each of the regression buttons visible or not via applet parameters.
  11. You can make the R^2 field visible or not.
  12. You can make the "Find x" field visible or not.
Click here to see applet with all options turned off, and only one button visible...