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Texas A&M University

Events for 02/14/2018 from all calendars

Noncommutative Geometry Seminar

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Time: 2:00PM - 2:50PM

Location: BLOC 628

Speaker: Zhizhang Xie, Texas A&M University

Title: K-homology and sheaves

Abstract: For smooth manifolds, typical examples of K-homology classes are given by elliptic differential operators. By definition, they are local or infinitesimal in the sense that their propagations are arbitrarily small. The concept of sheaves (again by definition) shares this fundamental property of being local. One naturally expects some close connections between these two important notions. In particular, making some of these connections precise allows us to prove interesting theorems in geometry and topology, such as Gronthendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem for singular varieties. In this talk, I will try to explain some of these connections by discussing some interesting examples. The talk is based on ongoing joint work with N. Higson.

Groups and Dynamics Seminar

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Time: 3:00PM - 4:00PM

Location: BLOC 220

Speaker: Bernhard Reinke, Jacobs University, Bremen

Title: Iterated Monodromgy Groups of entire functions

Abstract: Iterated Monodromy Groups can also be defined for post-singularly finite transcendental functions. They have a self-similar action on a regular rooted tree, but in contrast to IMGs of rational functions, every vertex of the tree has infinite degree. In my talk, I will focus mainly on the exponential family, where we can show that the associated IMG is amenable, using an explicit description of the IMG in terms of the kneading sequence of the exponential map.