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Texas A&M University

Events for 10/17/2018 from all calendars

Postdoc Lunch Time Talks

iCal  iCal

Time: 12:00PM - 12:20PM

Location: BLOC 220

Speaker: Shilin Yu, Texas A&M University


Title: Quantization and representation theory

Abstract: Coadjoint orbit method, originally proposed by Kirillov and Kostant, conjectures that irreducible unitary representations of a real reductive Lie group can be obtained via `quantization' of coadjoint orbits of the group. I will explain a new way to understand the term `quantization'.

Postdoc Lunch Time Talks

iCal  iCal

Time: 12:35PM - 12:55PM

Location: BLOC 220

Speaker: Rob Rahm, Texas A&M University


Title: One Dimensional Schroedinger Operators, Canonical Systems, and Reimann Zeta Function

Abstract: We will discuss connections between spectral theory for one dimensional differential operators and the Riemann Zeta function.

Postdoc Lunch Time Talks

iCal  iCal

Time: 12:55PM - 1:15PM

Location: BLOC 220

Speaker: Hao Guo, Texas A&M University


Title: Dirac Operators with Potential

Abstract: I will give some examples that illustrate the index theory of Dirac-type operators with a potential term. Such operators provide examples of elliptic Fredholm operators on manifolds that are non-compact, and furthermore generalize nicely to the equivariant setting. As such, they could be studied from the point of view of operator algebras, representation theory, and also mathematical physics. I give an example of an application of Dirac-type operators with potential to topology.

First Year Graduate Student Seminar

iCal  iCal

Time: 5:30PM - 6:30PM

Location: BLOC 628

Speaker: Student panel

Title: Panel discussion: preparing for qualifying exams