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Texas A&M University


Date: October 18, 2017

Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

Location: BLOC 220

Speaker: Dr. Prabir Daripa, Texas A&M University, Department of Mathematics


Title: Mathematics of "Stability Theory" and "Chaos Theory"

Abstract: "When the present determines the future but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future", we will call it Chaos and study of this phenomena goes by the name "Chaos Theory" (In Wikipedia, you find this as one of the definitions of "Chaos" within "Chaos Theory"). "When the present determines the future and the approximate present does determine the future but may be a drastically different one", then what do we call the theory of this. For now let us call it: "Stability Theory". As you notice just from these definitions, there is a subtle but drastic difference between these two theories. In one case you treat the future (or outcome) as a random variable where as in the later case, you treat it as a deterministic variable. The goal of this seminar is to demystify and exemplify this difference using simple maps, linear algebra and many events, some extreme ones such hurricane Harvey, around us. The content of the talk will be kept very simple so that it is accessible to even first year undergraduate students.