REPRESENTATION THEORY AND HARMONIC ANALYSIS ON COMPACT GROUPS The goal of this course will be to give an introduction to the representation theory of compact groups and its intimate connections to harmonic analysis on these groups. A good understanding of this vast subject is essential to many areas of mathematics, including: random matrix theory, quantum mechanics, quantum algebra (e.g., Hopf algebras, subfactors, tensor categories, quantum groups), and dynamics, ergodic theory and operator algebras. This course will mainly focus on compact groups in order to avoid some technicalities and to make the subject approachable. Topics covered will include: Group representations, Haar measure, unitarizability, reducibility, Schur’s Lemma, Pontryagin duality, non-commutative Fourier transform and the Plancharel theorem, representations of SU (n), U (n), O(n), S_n, tensor categories and the Tannaka-Krein reconstruction theorem.