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Texas A&M University

2001 Travel and Talks

January 2001

  • Harold Boas
    Attended the joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society in New Orleans, LA, January 9-14, 2001.

  • Ciprian Foias
    Delivered the Di Perna-Lecture in the Department of Mathematics at the University of California at Berkeley.

  • Susan Geller
    Traveled to New Orleans, LA to attend the joint meeting of the AMS and to assist with positions of the meetings and workshops, January 8-14, 2001.

    Went to Washington, DC to interview for an American Council on Education Fellowship, January 25-28, 2001.

  • David Larson
    Attended the Operator Algebras Workshop at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute at the University of California-Berkeley.

    Attended meetings in Washington, DC for an NSF Panel.

  • Joseph Pasciak
    Attended the Mathematics of Computation Editors lunch in New Orleans, LA.

  • Joachim Schoberl
    Traveled to Leipzig, Germany to attend two mathematical conferences, January 30-February 12, 2001.

February 2001

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Gave a seminar talk at the Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge.

    Gave a lecture at the Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Cambridge.

  • David Larson
    Gave a colloquium lecture at Iowa State University in Ames, ID.

  • Paulo Lima-Filho
    Visited the University of Washington in Seattle, WA to give a seminar talk.

March 2001

  • G.D. Allen
    Gave a lecture on Web development in Newark, NJ, March 21-22, 2001.

  • G.R. Blakley
    Traveled to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia to receive an honorable doctorate from the Queensland University of Technology, where he also delivered several lectures and collaborated in research, February 8-21, 2001.

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Delivered a plenary talk at the Euro Workshop "Geometric Evolutions and Nonlinear Elliptic Equation", the Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge.

  • David Larson
    Attended the Finite Element Rodeo meeting at SMU, Dallas, TX, March 2-3, 2001.

  • Raytcho Lazarov
    Participated in a conference on numerical methods in Oberwolfach, Germany, March 6-13, 2001.

  • William Rundell
    Traveled to Tunis, Tunesia to collaborate in ongoing research with Mohammed Jaoua, March 19-27, 2001.

    Attended the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Academic Sponsors meeting in Berkeley, CA, March 8-11, 2001.

  • David Sanchez
    Attended the Summit Conference of Mathematics Researchers to discuss mathematics education policies at the University of Chicago, March 23-25, 2001.

  • Vince Schielack
    Attended the board meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, San Marcos, TX, March 1, 2001.

    Went to Lincoln, NE to attend a meeting of the committee on American Mathematics Competitions.

  • Joachim Schoberl
    Presented a talk and attended the conference Finite Element Circus, Newark, NJ, March 29, 2001.

    Traveled to Boulder, CO to present a talk at the 10th Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods, March 30-April 6, 2001.

April 2001

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Was an invited guest speaker at the International Mathematics Conference at Tsinghua University, Beijing.

  • Prabir Daripa
    Traveled to Ruckeville, MD to participate in the DOE-Review Panel as member.

  • Murray Elder
    Presented a paper at the Computational Seminar of York University, Toronto, Canada, April 13-17, 2001.

  • David Larson
    Participated in the IMA Conference held at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, April 6-14, 2001.

  • Fran Narcowich
    Attended and participated in the IMA Workshop in Geometric Design at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN, April 22-25, 2001.

  • Roger Smith
    Gave a colloquium presentation at the University of Houston, April 5, 2001.

  • William Rundell
    Traveled to Karlsruhe, Germany to collaborate in ongoing research with Frank Hettlich and Rainer Kress, April 1-8, 2001.

    Attended the Division of Mathematical Sciences VIGRE Workshop at the National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, April 19-22, 2001.

  • Roger Smith
    Presented a colloquium lecture at the University of Houston, Houston, TX, April 6, 2001.

  • Jay Walton
    Travelled to Albuquerque, NM to give a seminar at Kirtland Air Force Base, April 24-25, 2001.

May 2001

  • G.R. Blakley
    Travelled to Innsbruck, Austria to attend "Eurocrypt 01" May 2-13, 2001.

    Attended the NSF Short Course - Hands On Networking in Dayton, OH, May 13-18, 2001.

    Travelled to Fairfax, VA to attend the National Colloquium on Information Security Systems Education at George Mason University, May 19-27, 2001.

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Gave a seminar talk at the Mathematics Institute, University of Warick.

    Visited the Mathematical Institute of University of Oxford and gave a lecture.

    Visited the Imperial College and spoke at the London Topology and Geometry seminar.

  • William Rundell
    Attended the SMAI 2001 Congres National de Mathematiques Appliquees et Industrielles in Correze, France, May 27 to June 3, 2001.

    Attended the Institute of Physics Annual Editorial Board meeting in London, England, May 2-6, 2001.

  • Vincent Schielack
    Travelled to Chevy Chase, MD to officiate at the National Science Bowl, May 4-7, 2001.

  • Emil Straube
    Presented a talk at the joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Mexican Mathematical Society in Morelia, Mexico, May 23-26, 2001.

  • J. Patrick Wilber
    Attended the SIAM Dynamical Systems Conference held in Salt Lake City, UT, May 22-28, 2001.

June 2001

  • J.D. Allen
    Attended the Textbook Authors Association meeting in San Antonio, TX June 5-9, 2001.

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Visited and gave a talk at the Department of Mathematics, University of Tuebingen, Germany.

  • Stephen A. Fulling
    Attended the Conference on "Quantum Computers and Quantum Chaos" in Italy, June 28-30, 2001

  • Authur Hobbs
    Attended the Texas A&M University Reaccreditation Leadership Committee meeting with other leadership committees and SACS Representatives in Atlanta, GA, June 7-8, 2001.

  • William Rundell
    Attended the International Conference on "Applied Inverse Problems Theoretical and Computational Aspects" held in Montecatini, Italy, and to work on ongoing research with collaborators in Germany and Scotland, June 17 to August 5, 2001.

  • Jay Walton
    Travelled to Albuquerque, NM to meet with colleagues at Kirtland AFB research laboratory, June 22-23, 2001.

July 2001

  • G.D. Allen
    Travelled to Madison, WI to give a workshop on math-to-web topic, July 29-August 5, 2001.

  • Stephen A. Fulling
    Attended the Conference on "Quantum Gravity and Spectral Geometry" in Italy, July 2-7, 2001.

    Travelled to Jackson Hole, WY to attend the Workshop on Quantum Maps, July 29-Auugst 4.

  • Roger R. Smith
    Travelled to Newcastle, Australia to work with co-author G. Robertson, July 11-August 20, 2001.

August 2001

  • G.R. Blakley
    Attended the "Crypto 01" Conference at the University of California at Santa Barbara, August 17-26, 2001.

  • Yalchin Efendiev
    Attended the Mathematical Geophysical Summer School, at Stanford University, August 6-10, 2001.

  • William Rundell
    Attended the Introductory Workshop in INverse Problems and Integral Geometry Schedule at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, CA, August 13-14.

  • Vincent Schielack
    Travelled to Salt Lake City, UT to attend the National Science Bowl Coordinators meeting, August 21-23.

October 2001

  • G.R. Blakley
    Attended the 39th Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing in Urbana, IL, October 2-7.

  • William Johnson
    Gave a talk at the University of Houston and visited with faculty member Vern Paulsen, October 16-18.

  • David Larson
    Attended a Mathematics Conference and gave talks at Beijing University and the Chinese Academy of Science, October, 12-27.

  • William Rundell
    Participated in the DMS Institute Site Visit to the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, October 10-13.

    Participated in a DMS Site Visit to the American Institute of Mathematics in Palo Alto, CA, October 15-17.

    Travelled to Golden, Colorado to give a talk in the Dept. of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at the Colorado School of Mines, October 22-24.

  • Thomas Schlumprecht
    Participated in a Mathematics Conference in Memphis, TN, October 4-11.

    Travelled to San Antonio to recruit graduate students at the University of Texas at San Antonio and Trinity University, October 17-18.

November 2001

  • David Dobson
    Presented research results and attended a Workshop on Inverse Problems and Applications at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA, November 4-14.

Last modified August 24, 2009 by RLC.

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