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Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar

Fridays, Milner 317     3:00-3:50 PM

Cayley Graph of the Free Product Z3 * Z5
The Algebra and Combinatorics seminar is devoted to studying algebra, combinatorics, their interconnection, and their relations to mathematics and applications. The seminar's organizers are Frank Sottile and Luis Garcia.

This Week's Seminar
  December 1  Lavanya Kannan, TAMU
3:00-3:50   Constructing uniformly dense graphs from non-uniformly dense graphs

History of previous Alg/Comb seminars.

No Seminar, Thanksgiving
  September 1  Frank Sottile, TAMU
New Fewnomial Upper Bounds from Gale Dual Polynomial Systems

  September 8  Eric Rowell, TAMU
Closed Images of Unitary Braid Group Representations

  September 15  Sarah Witherspoon, Texas A&M University
Quantum groups and pointed Hopf algebras

  September 22  Markus Hunziker, Baylor University
Smooth Schubert varieties, category O, and free resolutions of determinantal varieties

  September 29  Jason Morton, Berkeley
Geometry of Rank Tests

  October 6  Chris Hillar, TAMU
Algorithms for Computing in Infinite Dimensional Rings

  October 13  Maurice Rojas, TAMU
Fewnomial Basics and a New Counter-Example

  October 20  Ernesto Vallejo, Instituto de Matemáticas de la UNAM, Unidad Morelia
Some new results on Kronecker products

  October 27  Dimitrije Kostic, TAMU
G-multiparking Functions and a Generalized Search Procedure

  November 1  Claudia Malvenuto, Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"
Pairwise colliding permutations and the capacity of infinite graphs

  November 3  Hadi Salmasian, Queen's University
Rank, Small Principal series, and Representations of Rank Two

  November 10  Zach Teitler, Southeastern Louisiana University
Introduction to multiplier ideals

  November 17  Walter Ferrer, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
A generalization of Cayley's Omega--process

  24 November 

  December 1  Lavanya Kannan, TAMU
3:00-3:50   Constructing uniformly dense graphs from non-uniformly dense graphs

September 1
Frank Sottile, TAMU
New Fewnomial Upper Bounds from Gale Dual Polynomial Systems

    In 1980, Askold Khovanskii established his fewnomial bound for the number of real solutions to a system of polynomials, thereby showing that the complexity of real solutions to a polynomial system depends upon the number of monomials and not the degree. This fundamental finiteness result in real algebraic geometry was proven by induction on the number of monomials and the bound is unrealistically large.
    I will report on joint work with Frederic Bihan on a new fewnomial bound which is substantially lower than Khovanskii's bound. This bound is obtained by first reducing a given system to a Gale system, which comes from the Gale dual to the exponent vectors in the original system, and then bounding the number of solutions to a Gale system. Like Khovanskii's bound, this bound is the product of an exponential function and a polynomial in the dimension, with the exponents in both terms depending upon the number of monomials. In our bound, the exponents are smaller than in Khovanskii's.

September 8
Eric Rowell, TAMU
Closed Images of Unitary Braid Group Representations

Given an N-dimensional unitary representation of a discrete group G, the closure of the image of G in U(N) is a compact group, and one may try to determine the closed image of G precisely. For braid groups, there are several families of unitary representations known: for example those factoring the Temperley-Lieb, Hecke, and Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebras. Although Jones explicitly asked this question in 1983 for the braid group representations factoring over Temperley-Lieb algebras, few results were known until potential applications to quantum computing inspired renewed interest around 2001.
    I will discuss recent work with Larsen and Wang on the Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebra cases, focusing on interesting subcases described in a recent preprint with Larsen. This talk should be accessible to graduate students.

September 15
Sarah Witherspoon, TAMU
Quantum groups and pointed Hopf algebras

    Each of the traditional finite quantum groups is associated to a Lie algebra and therefore has at its heart a Dynkin diagram or related graph. A recent classification by Andruskiewitsch and Schneider shows that the seemingly much larger class of finite pointed Hopf algebras is not so different after all: Each such Hopf algebra has at its heart a collection of linked Dynkin diagrams from which its structure is largely determined.
    In this talk we will give an overview of this classification. Time permitting, we will also describe joint work with Mitja Mastnak (Munich) in which we view the Hopf algebras of Andruskiewitsch and Schneider from a different perspective, as deformations of better-known graded Hopf algebras. This perspective allows us to use cohomology and deformation theory to understand these Hopf algebras and potentially to fill in some gaps left in the classification.

September 22
Markus Hunziker, Baylor University
Smooth Schubert varieties, category O, and free resolutions of determinantal varieties

    There is a 1-1 correspondence between Schubert varieties in a generalized flag variety G/P and the simple modules in a regular block of the parabolic highest weight category O_P. The simple highest weight modules that correspond to the (rationally) smooth Schubert varieties have many nice properties that are typically associated with finite dimensional highest weight modules. For example, these simple modules have a BGG resolution in terms of generalized Verma modules.
    In the first part of my talk, I will describe the above correspondence and then present my recent work with Brian Boe on the classification of smooth Schubert varieties in G/P for the special when G is of simply-laced type and P is a maximal parabolic. In the second part of my talk, I will explain how this all relates to my earlier work with Thomas Enright on the classical determinantal varieties.

September 29
Jason Morton, Berkeley
Geometry of Rank Tests

Convex rank tests are partitions of the symmetric group corresponding to polyhedral fans that coarsen the braid arrangement, and are equivalent to to the probabilistic conditional independence structures known as semi-graphoids. Each equivalence class is the set of linear extensions of a poset, a property that lends these objects to analyzing time series data nonparametrically. Submodular rank tests are classified by the faces of the cone of submodular functions, or by Minkowski summands of the permutohedron (generalized permutohedra). Graphical tests correspond to both graphical models and to graph associahedra. Connections to Markov bases and toric geometry will also be explored.

October 6
Chris Hillar, TAMU
Algorithms for Computing in Infinite Dimensional Rings

Let K be a field and let R be the polynomial ring in infinitely many indeterminates over K. Since R is not Noetherian, computation in R, and in particular, of Groebner bases, is impossible. However, suppose that we consider ideals I which are invariant under the action of the infinite symmetric group G. Such ideals correspond to R[G]-submodules of R, and in this setting, R is Noetherian and submodules I have (finite) Groebner bases (as proved recently by Aschenbrenner and Hillar). We review this story and describe a new result that gives an explicit method for computing in R; in particular, solving the membership problem for invariant ideals in R.

October 13
Maurice Rojas, TAMU
Fewnomial Basics and a New Counter-Example

We show how the number of real roots of certain nonlinear systems of equations can be understood fairly completely in terms of simple combinatorial diagrams. This is the gist of Viro's Theorem, which we illustrate in terms of examples at the limits of the hypotheses of this theorem. Finding sparse polynomial systems with maximally many real roots is an active research area, and we detail some of what is known (and not known). We then conclude with a new extremal example, derived by the speaker and two undergraduate REU students last July. We assume no background in algebraic geometry.

October 20
Ernesto Vallejo, Instituto de Matemáticas de la UNAM, Unidad Morelia
Some new results on Kronecker products

Eventhough the representation theory of the symmetric group S_n over the field of complex numbers is well understood, it is still unknown an efficient way to compute the multiplicity of an irreducible character of S_n in the Kronecker product of other two irreducible characters of S_n. We call this multiplicities Kronecker coefficients. In this talk we reinterpret an old method for computing Kronecker coefficients due to Littlewood in a purely combinatorial way and use it to obtain some new results. First we show that the multiplicity of an irreducible character in the square of another irreducible character can be computed by evaluating a polynomial with rational coefficients in variables indexed by connected skew Young diagrams. Second we prove a new stability property for Kronecker coefficients.

October 27
Dimitrije Kostic, TAMU
G-multiparking Functions and a Generalized Search Procedure

In this talk, we give a new generalization of parking functions called G-multiparking functions. We show how this generalization is in bijection to rooted spanning forests, and how a generalized graph-searching algorithm can generate a family of such bijections. This algorithm also yields a categorization of the edges of the underlying graph. Time permitting, we will demonstrate how this categorization provides a new presentation of the Tutte polynomial. This is joint work with Catherine Yan.

November 1
Claudia Malvenuto Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"
Pairwise colliding permutations and the capacity of infinite graphs

We call two permutations of the first n naturals colliding if they map at least one number to consecutive naturals. We give bounds for the exponential asymptotics of the largest cardinality of any set of pairwise colliding permutations of [n]. We relate this problem to the determination of the Shannon capacity of an infinite graph and initiate the study of analogous problems for infinite graphs with finite chromatic number. In collaboration with J\'anos K\"orner

November 3
Hadi Salmasian, Queen's University
Rank, Small Principal series, and Representations of Rank Two

We give an introduction to the construction of singular unitary representations of non-compact semisimple groups. For exceptional groups, we describe a number of methods to construct a class of such representations, and investigate a possible connection with exceptional versions of Howe duality.

November 10
Zach Teitler, Southeastern Louisiana University
Introduction to multiplier ideals

In recent years, multiplier ideals have been used to answer several questions in algebraic geometry. I will introduce multiplier ideals, give some basic examples, and show some applications.

November 17
Walter Ferrer, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
A generalization of Cayley's Omega--process (joint work with A. Rittatore)

In his 1890 paper on linear invariants of the special linear group, Hilbert used two basic tools to prove the finite generation of the ring of invariants. One was his basis theorem that he proved for this purpose, and the other was a differential operator defined on matrices called the Omega process, and that was well known and extensively used previously to construct invariants. Modern proofs of this finite generation have substituted the Omega process by the complete reducibility of the representations, a result that was unknown to Hilbert and proved by Weyl in the 20s, using the so called unitarian restriction.
In this talk we go back to considering Hilbert's method and propose a general definition of Omega process (only defined by Cayley for the variety of all matrices) and --following Hilbert--we show how to use the process in order to prove the finite generion of invariants: The set up for this general definition is the theory of algebraic monoids with zero. Finally we show that an arbitrary reductive monoid admits an Omega process, thus providing a proof of Weyl's theorem on the finite generation of the invariants for an arbitrary affine reductive group.

December 1
Lavanya Kannan, TAMU
Constructing uniformly dense graphs from non-uniformly dense graphs

Let G be a non-trivial, loopless multigraph. For each non-trivial subgraph H of G, let g(H) = |E(H)|/(|V(H)| - 1) be the density of H. G is said to be uniformly dense if and only if G has the maximum density among all non-trivial subgraphs of G. The concept of uniform density has been defined for matroids and studied extensively by Catlin, Grossman, Hobbs and Lai. These graphs were studied in a different setting by Bruno and Wienberg, Tomizowa, Narayanan, Fujishige and some others. Computing the densities g of subgraphs of a graph play a key role in analyzing the survivability of a graph or a network (by Cunnigham, Gusfield, Hobbs), and in examining electrical simulations (by Kishi and Kijitani). Constructing uniformly dense graphs turn out to be useful in many practical situations. In the talk, I will present a systematic method of progressively modifying a given graph to obtain a uniformly dense graph on the same number of vertices and edges. The complexity of the algorithm will also be discussed. This is a joint work with Hong-Jian Lai and Hongyuan Lai.

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Last modified: 1 September 2006 by Frank Sottile