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Texas A&M University

Seminar on Banach and Metric Space Geometry

Spring 2018


Date:February 23, 2018
Location:BLOC 624
Speaker:Mitchell Taylor, University of Alberta
Title:Schauder bases with order convergent partial sums
Abstract:The order structure of a Banach lattice gives rise to several natural convergences. In this talk we discuss basic sequences in Banach lattices whose partial sums converge not only in norm, but also in order. We show that this class of bases can be characterized by a natural modification of the standard basis inequality, and discuss some of the more unexpected corollaries. This is a joint project with V.G. Troitsky; the results extend and unify those from A. Gumenchuk, O. Karlova and M. Popov, Order Schauder bases in Banach lattices, J. Funct. Anal. (2015).