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Texas A&M University

Seminar on Banach and Metric Space Geometry

Fall 2018


Date:September 13, 2018
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Michal Wojciechowski, IMPAN, Warsaw
Title:On yet another analogon of Riesz brothers theorem for Sobolev space
Abstract:We show that the quotient space BV/W1,1 is isomorphic to the space of bounded borel measures. Here BV denotes the space of functions of bounded variation and W1,1 the Sobolev space of functions with integrable gradient on regular domain. One can see this as an analogon of Pełczyński's result that dual to the space of C1-smooth functions is a separable perturbation of the space of measures. Main ingredients of a proof are G. Alberti rank one theorem and extension/averaging results for Sobolev and BV spaces

Date:October 4, 2018
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Beatrice-Helen Vritsiou, University of Alberta
Title:Regular covering for non-symmetric convex bodies
Abstract:We use a convex-geometric argument to give an extension of Pisier's theorem on the existence of regular M-ellipsoids to the setting of non-symmetric convex bodies (albeit with worse quantitative conclusions).

Date:October 26, 2018
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Jari Taskinen, University of Helsinki
Title:Schauder bases and the decay rate of the heat equation
Abstract:Joint work with José Bonet (Valencia) and Wolfgang Lusky (Paderborn) We consider the classical Cauchy problem for the linear heat equation with integrable initial data f = f(x) in the Euclidean space R^N \ni x. As well known, the conventional solution formula implies that for generic f, the sup-norm (w.r.t. x) of the solution u(x,t) decays at the speed rate t^{-N/2} for large times t. Faster decay rates are possible for special initial data. Our aim is to present a new approach to this phenomenon and also to show that initial data leading to faster decay rates is in a certain sense not so rare. Accordingly, given a weight function w = w(x) growing rapidly at the infinity, we construct Schauder bases (e_n)_{n=1}^\infty in the Banach space L_w^p (R^N) , 1 < p < \infty or p=1, with the following property: given an arbitrary natural number m, one can find M such that for any initial data f belonging to the closed linear span of (e_n)_{n=M}^\infty , the solution of the Cauchy problem for the heat equation decays at least at the rate t^{-m} in the sup-norm. In particular, the subspace of initial data leading to "fast" decay is finite codimensional. Moreover, the mentioned basis can be constructed as a "perturbation" of any given basis. The proof is based on a construction of bases which annihilate an infinite sequence of bounded linear functionals. We also discuss the background of the problem and possible generalizations.

Date:November 19, 2018
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Pavlos Motakis, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
Title:Complete separation of asymptotic structures
Abstract:An old question of Odell asks whether a Banach space with a uniformly unique spreading model must have an asymptotic lp-subspace. We mention related results and we present a construction that serves as a counterexample to Odell’s question. This is a reflexive space with an unconditional basis that has a uniformly unique lp spreading model and no subspace of it has a unique asymptotic model.