Numerical Analysis Seminar

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Speaker: Peter Moore, Southern Methodist University
Title: Solving Regularly and Singularly Perturbed Reaction-Diffusion Equations in Three Space Dimensions
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Place: Blocker 628


I will present a fixed high-order h-refinement finite element method coupled with a continuation strategy for solving regularly and singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion equations in three space dimensions. The continuation method adaptively selects a sequence of the small parameter values by estimating the convergence rate of the nonlinear solver. Backtracking in both the quasi-Newton method and in the small parameter enhance efficiency. Further improvements are obtained by a mode-by-mode assembly algorithm which includes a drop tolerance. Several examples illustrate the effectiveness of the code.

Last revised: 03/12/07 By: christov@math