Numerical Analysis Seminar

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Speaker: Ewald Quak,
Centre for Nonlinear Studies (CENS)
Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn University of Technology, ESTONIA

Centre for Mathematics for Applications (CMA)
University of Oslo, NORWAY

SINTEF Information and Communication Technology
Department of Applied Mathematics, Oslo, NORWAY
Title: Some experiences on two important issues: software sustainibility and practical relevance
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Place: Blocker 628
Note: This is a joint NA and Approximation Theory seminar


In this talk, I wish to address two issues that I have found of ever increasing importance when dealing with computational mathematics in practical settings, and not just there. One issue is software sustainibility in order to avoid recreating code again and again, although relevant quality software might be available at an another research facility, or even your own. As an example, I will present the Digital Shape Workbench developed in the project AIM@SHAPE, funded by the European Commission. The other issue concerns the opportunity of showcasing the crucial role of mathematics in matters important to the public. As an example, I will describe mathematics as a driving force in plans to fight pollution in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea), as outlined in the paper by T. Soomere & E. Quak, "On the potential of reducing coastal pollution by a proper choice of the fairway", J. Coastal Research, Special Issue 50, 2007.

Last revised: 09/17/07 By: abnersg@math