Numerical Analysis Seminar Talk, November 13, 1996

Speaker: Professor James Bramble
Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University
Title: On the derivation of some classical inequalities by using multilevel methods
Time: 4:00pm, Wednesday, November 13, 1996
Place: 503 Blocker


Let D be a polygonal domain and H1(D) the Sobolev space of functions with first weak derivatives in L2(D). A norm on H1(D) may be defined by means of a decomposition in terms of a nested sequence of subspaces of piecewise linear functions (finite elements). The norm on H1/2(B), with B the boundary of D, may be similarly represented. We will see that, using these representations, some well known relations between these norms can be derived quite easily.

Numerical Analysis Seminars

Last revised: 11/11/96 By: