Numerical Analysis Seminar

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Speaker: Caroline Nore, LIMSI/Paris 11 University
Title: Nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics in axisymmetric heterogeneous domains using a Fourier/Finite Element technique and an Interior Penalty Method
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Place: Blocker 627


The Maxwell equations in the MHD limit in heterogeneous axisymmetric domains composed of conducting and nonconducting regions are solved by using a mixed Fourier/Lagrange finite element technique. Finite elements are used in the meridian plane and Fourier modes are used in the azimuthal direction. Parallelization is made with respect to the Fourier modes. Continuity conditions across interfaces are enforced using an interior penalty technique. The performance of the method is illustrated on kinematic and full dynamo configurations. (Joint work with Jean-Luc Guermond)

Last revised: 11/06/08 By: abnersg@math