Up: Class 6, Math 696
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Homework for Class 6

  1. Put onto your World-Wide Web home page a graphic that you created personally.

  2. Your CalcLab account will probably go away at the end of the semester. Move your home page to a more permanent location. For those of you who are graduate students in the Mathematics Department, you just need to copy your index.html file over to the public_html directory in your account on the main mathematics server. You can do this easily by using ``drag and drop'' with the xdir program, or by using the ftp program, or by using emacs.

    If you do not have an account on the main mathematics server, you can install your home page on the university's general access machine tam2000. There are instructions about how to set up a home page on tam2000.

    It helps people to find you if you make a dummy home page that points to your real one. For example, I have a dummy page both on CalcLab and on tam2000.

  3. Your Project A for the semester is your home page. If your page is now ready for visitors, post a message to tamu.classes.math696 inviting spectators and stating the URL. (If your page lives on the main mathematics server, then the URL will be /~YourLogonName/ or /~FirstName.LastName/.)

  4. Your Project B for the semester is to create your own Maple lab. It is time to get working on this project. Look through the Maple help browser and pick out a topic. Come to class prepared to stand up and state what your topic is, why it is interesting, and what preliminary ideas you have for presenting it in a lab.

Up: Class 6, Math 696
Previous: Activities

Comments to Harold P. Boas.
Created Sep 24, 1996. Last modified Oct 9, 1996.