Speaker: Jay Bagga

Title: Old and New Generalizations of Line Graphs


Line graphs have been studied for over seventy years. In 1932, H. Whitney showed that for connected graphs, edge-isomorphism implies isomorphism except for K3 and K1, 3.

The line graph transformation is one of the most widely studied of all graph transformations. In its long history, the concept has been rediscovered several times, with different names such as derived graph, interchange graph, and edge-to-vertex dual. Line graphs can also been considered as intersection graphs.

In this presentation we first give a short historical account of work on line graphs. Several variations and generalizations have been proposed and studied, such as total graphs, path graphs, k-line graphs, and (X, Y)-intersection graphs. We describe these and some more recent generalizations including super line graphs and triangle graphs.
Speaker: Nathaniel Dean

Title: Unsolved and Incomprehensible Graph Drawing Problems

Abstract: Graphs are often used to visualize patterns or structures in complex systems. One way to reduce the complexity of a drawing is to minimize the number of edge crossings over all planar drawings of the graph. We describe a quadratic programming formulation for the rectilinear version of this problem. Further, we define precisely what it means for a graph to have a good drawing and why for certain graphs it does not exist.

Speaker: Herbert Fleischner

Title: Uuniquely Hamiltonian Graphs

Abstract: In the 1970s, J.Sheehan asked whether there are 4-regular simple graphs having precisely one hamiltonian cycle (= uniquely hamiltonian graphs). In the early 1990s, 4-regular loopless uniquely hamiltonian multigraphs were constructed whose underlying uniquely hamiltonian (simple) graphs have 3- and 4-valent vertices only. C.Thomassen showed that regular graphs of sufficiently high degree cannot be uniquely hamiltonian; and J.A.Bondy, in his article for the Handbook of Combinatorics, asked whether uniquely hamiltonian graphs must have a vertex of degree 2 or 3. Starting from the examples quoted above, one can construct eulerian uniquely hamiltonian graphs of minimum degree 4.

Speaker: Frank Harary

Title: On the Many Applications of Graph Theory: To Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Computer Sciences, etc


Speaker: Ewa Kubicka

Title: The Chromatic Sum of a Graph; History and Recent Developments

Abstract: The chromatic sum of a graph is the smallest sum of colors among all proper colorings with natural numbers. The strength of a graph is the minimum number of colors necessary to obtain its chromatic sum. A natural generalization of chromatic sum is optimum cost chromatic partition (OCCP) problem, where the costs of colors can be arbitrary positive numbers. We present existing results about chromatic sum, strength of a graph, and OCCP problem together with some recent developments. We focus on polynomial algorithms for some families of graphs and NP-completeness issues.

Speaker: Melvyn Nathanson

Title: Representation functions of additive bases for the integers

Abstract: The representation function of a set A of integers counts the number of ways to write an integer as the sum of two elements of A. Erdos and Turan conjectured that if A is an asymptotic basis of order 2 for the nonnegative integers, then its representation function must be unbounded. This is not true for representation functions of asymptotic bases for the set of all integers. In this case, every function is a representation function. We consider the problem of constructing dense sets of integers with a prescribed representation function.

Speaker: Van Vu

Title: New Results and Questions on Random Graphs

Abstract: This is a survey talks about recent developments in the theory of random graphs, with focus on random graphs with fixed degree sequences.

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Copyright ©2002 by Jon McCammond Catherine Yan Daniela Ferrero Xingde Jia
Last Modified on 24/Mar/03.