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CombinaTexas: Combinatorics in the South-Central U.S.
April 9-10, 2004
Texas A&M University

Speaker: Irinel Dragan

Title: On Semivalues and TU games on matroids

Abstract: Recently, Bilbao ([1]} has introduced a Shapley value for transferable utility games on combinatorial structures like matroids and convex geometries. In the case of matroids, we see that the usual property of each component of the payoff, to depend on all values of the characteristic function does not hold. Therefore, we felt that an alternative definition which is correcting this fact is appropriate, and this is what we intend to do in the present paper, starting from t he Semivalues of cooperative TU games.

The Semivalues were introduced by Dubey, Neyman and Weber by a system of axioms for general cooperative games ([4]). In the case of cooperative TU games they obtained a formula for Semivalues which can be taken as a definition. The formula shows a family of values depending on a vector of weights; for particular weights is obtained the Shapley value, the famous value due to L.S.Shapley ([7]). It is easy to show that the unique Semivalue which is efficient is the Shapley value. We show an algebraic proof of this fact (Theorem 1), which suggests an alternative definition for the Shapley value on matroids.

The matroids were introduced by Whitney ([9]) and the body of knowledge connected to this combinatorial concept has been further developed into a subject ([8]). Here we need only one of the many definitions of the matroids ([6]). We need also our earlier result, giving the power game of a TU game relative to a Semivalue ([2]). The class of Semivalues on matroids is formally defined as the Semivalues of games which have a given characteristic function on the matroid, with zero values on the dependent sets of the matroid. As the grand coalition does not belong in general to the set of independent sets, except in the case of the free monoid, the usual definition of the efficiency has no meaning. We introduce a matroid-efficiency concept, which looks similar to Bilbao's efficiency, but has a more general meaning, and by using this type of efficiency we get a family of Semivalues depending on one parameter (Theorem 2). A unique value is obtained, which has the highest efficiency level and this is a generalization of the Shapley value (Theorem 3). An example shows that this is different of the Bilbao's value, however the Bilbao's value is a value obtained from the same matroid-efficiency for a lower level of efficiency. We prove that the new Shapley value has the dummy player property for some type of matroids (Theorem 4). As the Semivalues on matroids have a potential, the new value has a potential of Hart/ Mas-Colell type ([5]) and also what we call a recursive definition and a Shapley blue- print property (Theorems 5,6, and 7), ([3]). A few results from Matroid theory and from Game theory are presented in order to make the paper self contained.


[1] Bilbao, J.M., (2000), Cooperative games on combinatorial structures, Kluwer Academic, Boston/Dordrecht/London.

[2] Dragan,I., (2002), On the inverse problem for Semivalues of cooperative TU games, TR # 348, Univ. Texas at Arlington, April 2002.

[3] Dragan,I., (1999), Potential, Balanced contributions, Recursion formula, Shapley blueprint properties of values of cooperative TU games, in H.DeSwart (ed.), Proceedings of the Conference on Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice, Tilburg Univ. Press, Tilburg, pp.57-67.

[4] Dubey,P., Neyman,A., and Weber,R.J., (1981), Value theory without efficiency, Math. O.R., 6, pp.122-128.

[5] Hart,S., and Mas-Colell,A., (1989), Potential, value and consistency, Econometrica, 57, pp.589-614.

[6] von Randow,R., (1975), Introduction to the theory of matroids, Springer, Berlin.

[7] Shapley,L.S., (1953), A value for n-person games, Ann.Math.Studies, no.28, pp.307-317

[8] Welsh,D.J.A., (1976), Matroid theory, Academic Press, London.

[9] Whitney, H., (1935), On the abstract properties of linear dependence, American journal of mathematics 57, pp.509-533.

Speaker: Ira Gessel

Title: P-partitions

Abstract: An ordinary partition of n with k parts is a weakly decreasing sequence of positive integers with sum k. In the late 19th century, Percy MacMahon, studied plane partitions, in which the parts are arranged in a rectangle and decrease in rows and columns. For example,
is a plane partition of 24. An ordinary partition may be viewed as an order-reversing map from a chain to the totally ordered set of nonnegative integers, and a plane partition may similarly be viewed as an order reversing map from a product of two chains to the nonnegative integers.

The general theory of P-partitions considers order-reversing (or order-preserving maps) from an arbitrary finite partially ordered set P to a totally ordered set. The fundamental result in the theory of P-partitions is a close connection between P-partitions and the set of extensions of P to a total order.

The descents of a permutation of 1, 2, ... , n are the positions where one number is immediately followed by a smaller number. For example, the descents of the permutation 4 1 3 5 2 correspond to 4 > 1 and 5 > 2. If we take our poset P to be an arbitrary partial order on {1, 2, ... , n} the extensions of P to a total order may be identified with permutations of {1, 2, ... , n}, and the theory of P-partitions helps in counting these permutations by descents.

I will describe some applications of P-partitions to permutation enumeration, and specifically to Eulerian numbers, Simon Newcomb's problem, Stirling numbers, and descent algebras.

Speaker: Illya Hicks

Title: Theoretical and Practical Applications of Branch Decompositions

Abstract: The notion of branch decompositions and its connectivity invariant, branchwidth, were used by Robertson and Seymour to prove the Graph Minors Theorem, formally known as Wagner's Conjecture. In addition, theoretical computer scientists have shown that some NP-hard problems can be solved when modeled on graphs with bounded branchwidth. Thus, branch decompositions have both theoretical and practical applications. In this talk, we will explore some of the numerous applications of branch decompositions. In particular, we will discuss algorithms to construct branch decompositions and the usage of branch decompositions to solve certain NP-hard problems like TSP, minor containment, and constructing optimal branch decompositions for general graphs.

Speaker: Michal Karonski

Title: Irregular Assignments

Abstract: A weighting of the edges of a graph with integer weights gives rise to a weighting of the vertices, the weight of a vertex being the sum of the weights of its incident edges.

An assignment of positive integer weights to the edges of a simple graph $G$ is called irregular if the weighted degrees of the vertices are all different. The irregularity strength is the maximal weight, minimized over all irregular assignments. In the first part of my talk I shall discuss some recent results on irregularity strength of graphs, in particular of regular graphs and trees.

An assignment of positive integer weights to the edges of a simple graph $G$ is called locally irregular if the weighted degrees of adjacent vertices are different. Obviously, such vertex weighting induce a proper coloring of the graph. In this context, the following question has been raised: Is it possible to weight the edges of any connected graph with at least three vertices, with the integers {1,2,3}, such that the resultant vertex weighting is a proper coloring? In the second part of my talk I will offer two pieces of information in relation to the above question: first, that a weighting is possible for $3$-colorable graphs, and secondly that, if real, rather than just integer, weights are permitted, then a finite number of weights suffices for all graphs.

The talk is based on joint work with Alan Frieze, Mike Ferrara, Ron Gould, Tomasz Luczak, Florian Pfender and Andrew Thomason.

Speaker: D. T. Lee

Title: Power Domination Problem in Graphs

Abstract: We consider a variation of graph-theoretic domination problem that arises in monitoring an electric power system of its voltage and current states at loads and branches of the power system respectively. To monitor or observe an electric power system by placing as few phase measurement units as possible is closely related to the famous vertex cover problem and domination problem in graph theory.  A set S is a power dominating set (PDS) of a graph G=(V,E), if every vertex and every edge in the graph modeling a power system are observed following certain observation rules of power system monitoring. The minimum cardinality of a PDS of a graph G is the power domination number of G.

We shall show that the problem of finding the power domination number for split graphs, a subclass of chordal graphs, is NP-complete. We thus consider this problem for a subclass of chordal graphs, i.e., interval graphs. Specifically we shall present a linear time algorithm for finding the minimum PDS of an interval graph, if the interval model of the graph is provided and the endpoints of the intervals are given sorted. We also extend the result to the class of circular-arc graphs. Some open problems will be given in this presentation.

Joint work with  Chung-Shou Liao, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Speaker: Benny Sudakov

Title: Solving extremal problems using stability approach

Abstract: In this talk we discuss a "stability approach" for solving extremal problems. Roughly speaking, it can be described as follows. In order to show that given configuration is a unique optimum for an extremal problem, we first prove an approximate structure theorem for all constructions whose value is close to the optimum and then use this theorem to show that any imperfection in the structure must lead to a suboptimal configuration. To illustrate this strategy, we discuss three recent results in which stability approach was used to answer a question of Erdos-Rothschild and to resolve two conjectures of Sos and Frankl.

All the results in this talk are co-authored with P. Keevash and the first one is in addition co-authored with N. Alon and J. Balogh.

Speaker: Tandy Warnow

Title:Graph-theoretic algorithms for phylogeny reconstruction

Abstract: Phylogenies are evolutionary trees, and phylogeny reconstruction plays an important role in both biology and historical linguistics. In this talk I will present some new methods for reconstructing phylogenies that rely upon very pretty graph theory. In particular, I will present the "triangulating colored graphs Problem" and show how it is related to reconstructing phylogenies in historical linguistics.

Speaker: Xingxing Yu

Title: Independent trees in graphs

Abstract: In 1984, Itai and Rodeh proposed a multi-tree approach to reliability in distributed networks. A fault-tolerant communication scheme can be designed for a network if we are able to find rooted spanning trees which are independent. Two rooted spanning trees are independent if, for each vertex, the paths in the trees from that vertex to the root are internally disjoint. The main problem of interest is whether every k-connected graph contains k pairwise independent spanning trees. Itai and Rodeh solved the problem for k=2. Cheryian and Maheshwari, and independently, Itai and Zehavi, solved the problem for k=3. The case k=4 is important in a number of aspects, and Huck solved it for planar graphs. In this talk, I will outline a solution to the problem for all 4-connected graphs. This includes a decomposition result of 4-connected graphs, and a cubic algorithm for finding 4 independent spanning trees in a 4-connected graph. Connection to other graph theory problems will also be discussed.

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