ACNOW! Information

What is ACNOW?

ACNOW is a fully integrated tutorial and assessment supplement for Applied Calculus. There are 10 modules that cover the material in a typical Business Calculus class. Each module contains an algorithmic pre- and post-test along with interactive tutorials. A student may begin a module by taking a pre-test or accessing the tutorial activities. After the pre-test is taken, the student is given the results [including the answers to all the questions] and a personalized learning plan [PLL]. In the PLL, the questions that were answered correctly on the pre-test will show "optional" for the associated tutorial activitites. The questions that were wrong on the pre-test will show as "recommended" tutorial activities. The student may take the pre-test once and the post-test twice. The best of those three grades is used for the module grade.

Which classes MUST use ACNOW?

Math 142 is required to use ACNOW.

Which classes MAY use ACNOW?

Any calculus class may use the modules. Many examples are business oriented, but you can have these modules assigned to your classes if you wish. The ACNOW modules will be posted in the TAMU Instructor class on iLrn for you to preview. They are in progress this Fall, so not all modules will be available at the start of the semester.

How do I get my students to use ACNOW?

The modules will be assigned to each section of Math 142 with all settings in place.

How do I get my grades for ACNOW?

The grades are available in the iLrn gradebook. A presentation on downloading grades from iLrn will be given in mid-September.

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Last updated: Aug 23, 2005.