Midterm Review Sheet--Math 414-500

General Information. The test will have 5 to 7 questions, some with multiple parts. It will cover Chapters 0-2 of the text. Please bring an 8½x11 bluebook. You may use calculators to do arithmetic, although you will not need them. You may not use any calculator that has the capability of doing either calculus or linear algebra. You will be provided with a table of integrals. The questions will involve knowing definitions of terms (15 points), doing computations, derivations, or applications (65-70 points), and statements and/or proofs of theorems (15-20 points). Questions may combine some of these; e.g., "Define uniform convergence, and determine whether the series below is uniformly convergent."

Terms. Here is a list of terms that you should be able to define.

inner product space
orthogonal and orthonormal sets, orthogonal projection
linear transformation
mean, pointwise, and uniform convergence
complete orthonormal set of vectors (i.e., take one away, and it no longer spans).
least squares
Gibbs' phenomenon
Parseval/Plancheral equations for Fourier series and Fourier transforms
time-invariant transformation
filter, causal filter

Computations, derivations, or applications. Given a function, you should be able to compute a Fourier series in either real or complex form, and with prescibed period that may be different from 2. You should also know how to compute Fourier sine series and Fourier cosine series, and you should understand the relation of these series to Fourier series in general. You should understand the concept of evenness and oddness, and be able to make use of any symmetry when computing coefficients for the various series mentioned above. Be able to sum a series using Parseval's theorem or by making use of what you know about pointwise convergence. Be able to find Fourier transforms, either directly via the definition or by means of the properties (a list will be supplied). Be able to derive simple properties of the Fourier transform, to find convolutions of functions, use Plancheral's theorem, and to do simple filtering problems. Be able to determine if a sampling rate is sufficient to reproduce a function, or will result in aliasing. Be able to estimate the frequency dispersion for signal, given its dispersion in time. In general, be able to work problems similar to ones assigned from §1.4 and §2.6.

Statements and/or proofs of theorems. Here is a list.

Pointwise convergence of Fourier series. (Be able to sketch the steps in the proof.)
Schwarz's inequality and the triangle inequality.
Sampling Theorem.
Uncertainty Principle.