Math 641-600 Midterm Review

The midterm will be given on October 18 and will consist of an in-class part and a take-home part. The test will cover sections 1.1-1.5 (but not 1.5.1), 2.1 (all), 2.2.1-2.2.3. It will also cover the notes on the pointwise convergence of Fourier Series. The test will be composed of three parts. The first part will consist of statements of theorems and definitions; the second will have short problems or propositions similar to homework problems or examples done in class, as well as a proof of one of the major theorems highlighted in red below. The third part will be take-home. The problems it will have will be longer computations or proofs and might involve simple numerical problems requiring a computer.

Linear algebra

Hilbert & Banach spaces

Updated 10/12/06 (fjn).