First Course in Wavelets with Fourier Analysis

Errata - 1st Printing

  1. Page 2, §0.2, In the displayed formula in the middle of the page, replace < XY,Z > with < X+Y,Z >.

  2. Page 3, §0.2, Example 0.3. The matrix A must be Hermitian and postive definite; i.e., all eigenvalues of A are positive. This implies, of course, that it is invertible.

  3. Page 52, §1.2.4, Example 1.10 f(t) should be f(x).

  4. Page 81, §1.3, Example 1.41. bn=2/n2 should be bn=2 (-1)n+1/n.

  5. Page 89, §1.4, Exercise 36(c). In the series there, rn should be r|n|.

  6. Page 128, §2.6, Exercise 13. The factor ei(w1+w2)/2) should be e-it(w1+w2)/2.

  7. Page 144, §3.1.6, first paragraph in the section. (cf. [3,§3.7.2] is missing the right parenthesis, and should be (cf. [3,§3.7.2]).

  8. Page 151, §3.3, Exercise 4. The values of b and c are wrong. They should be changed to b=2, c=37.

  9. Page 153, §3.3. The exercises are incorrectly numbered.
    14(e)(i) to 14(e)(iii) -> 15(a) to 15(c)
    14(f) -> 16

  10. Page 161, §4.2.2, Definition 4.4. Replace {expression} by {..., expression, ...}. (An ellipsis should be inserted before and after the expression.)

  11. Page 178, §4.3, line before figure 23. Replace "uparrow 2" by "2 uparrow".

  12. Page 223 §5.4, Exercise 9(b). |x| > 0 should be |x| > 1. UPDATED 2/16/04