Dear Professor,

I am reaching out to you as a representative of the Football Thursday Task Force led by Dr. Jerry Strawser, who has charged us with developing operational plans that support both class day and football gameday operations on Aug. 30.

Our goal is to provide up-to-date information and resources to students about Football Thursday so they can attend class without delay and have everything they need to go to the football game.

If you are posting material to e-campus or printing resources for your class, we would like you to consider distributing the following: Football Thursday Playbook

Additionally, if you have 20 seconds during class time in the days leading up to Football Thursday, we would like you to point students to the Playbook document, the Football Thursday website and the Destination Aggieland mobile app.

The key messages we have been sharing campus wide are:

1. Plan ahead for the day; things will be different.

2. Know your travel options and allow extra time.

3. We want students to come to class and go to the game.

Finally, students will need a ticket to attend the game no matter when they arrive. The game is expected to end around 11 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.

I appreciate your help preparing students for this atypical day.

Tim Lomax, Ph.D., PE,

Texas A&M Transportation Institute