Working seminar on:

Cohomology of Vector Bundles & Syzgies
by Jerzy Weyman
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521621976

Organized by J.M. Landsberg

Time: Mondays, 3-4:30pm Milner 317 (sometimes every other week)

We will study the defining equations and more subtle information about varieties
determined by group actions.

For a motivating example, consider the variety X_r of rank at most r matrices in the
space of n by n matrices. It is the zero set of  the (r+1) x (r+1) minors. We may rephrase
this by writing the space of n by n matrices as C^n \tensor C^n and X_r is the set of
rank at most r tensors. Now consider the space Z_r of rank at most r tensors in
C^n\tensor C^n\tensor C^n. It is an important open question in several areas (computational
complexity, algebraic statistics, phylogenetics) to determine defining equations for Z_r. We
could take this question as a motivating question for the seminar, however the techniques
will be applicable to numerous problems.

We will begin by covering the necessary backround material from commutative algebra,
algebraic geometry and representation theory. These topics are worth learning in their own right.
Then we will study Kempf's technique of desingularization of orbit closures via "a collapse" of
a vector bundle and Weyman's generalizations. We will then compute many many examples.
The goal of the seminar is to learn new mathematics so graduate students are particularly encouraged
to attend.

First meeting: Monday Jan. 24
Speaker: J.M. Landsberg

Title: What is this seminar about? 

Monday Jan. 31
Speaker: Hal Schenck

Title: Algebra tools I
Abstract: I'll cover Sections 1.2.1-1.2.3 of Weymans book. Section 1.2.1 starts in with Ext, so in order to make sense of that, I'll talkabout projective and injective modules and resolutions, functorsand derived functors; and illustrate with examples how to computethese gadgets. Then we'll introduce the notions of depth, regularsequences, and the Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein properties. Finally, we'll discuss Koszul complexes and homology, free resolutions, and the theorems of Auslander-Buchsbaum (relating depth to projective dimension) and the Buchsbaum-Eisenbud acyclicity criterion. Mostly this lecture will be commutative algebra (with examples), but I'll also try to get to the notion of the derived category, which we'll eventually need.

Monday Feb. 7 - Meeting in Milner 216 for this week only
Speaker: Hal Schenck

Title: Algebra tools II
derived functors (Tor and Ext), Sheaves and Cech cohomology.

Monday Feb. 14
Speaker: Hal Schenck

Title: Algebra tools III

Tuesday, Feb. 22, 1pm Milnor 313 (NOTE: special day, time and place!!!)
Speaker: J. Weyman
New applications of geometric method of calculating syzygies.
Abstract: I will talk about the jet schemes of determinantal varieties and their
Cohen-Macaulay property. This is the joint work in progress with Grag
We can prove Cohen-Macaulayness for 1-jets (i.e. tangent schemes) but the
higher jets do not have rational singularities. Computer calculations show
however that their free resolutions have a fascinating pattern.

Monday Feb. 28
Speaker: Hal Schenck

Title: Algebra tools IV

Monday March 7
Speaker: Hal Schenck

Title: Algebra tools V

Monday March 21
Speaker: Hal Schenck

Title: The basic theorem

Monday March 28
Speaker: Frank Sottile

Title: Combinatorics I: Young tableaux etc...
NOTE: this lecture will be mostly independent
from previous lectures so new arrivals are welcome!

Monday April 4
Speaker: Frank Sottile

Title: Combinatorics II

Note: Monday April 11 there will be a special geometry
talk by S. Basu, so the Weyman seminar will meet on
Friday instead:

Friday April 15
Speaker: Frank Sottile

Title: Combinatorics III

Monday April 18
Speaker: Frank Sottile

Title: Combinatorics IV

Monday April 25,
Speaker: F. Sottile
Title: Combinatorics V: Schur complexes

Monday May 2,
Speaker: J.M. Landsberg
Title: Grassmannians I

Monday May 16,
Speaker: J.M. Landsberg
Title: Grassmannians II

There will be a second meeting the week of the 16th,
and then we will resume again in the fall