Amit Khetan "Implicitization of rational surfaces with toric varieties" A parameterized surface can be represented as a projection from a toric variety generalizing the classical homogeneous and bihomogeneous parameterizations. We extend to the toric case two methods for computing the implicit equation of such a rational parameterized surface. The first approach uses resultant matrices and gives an exact determinantal formula for the implicit equation if the parameterization has no base points. In the case the base points are isolated local complete intersections, we show that the implicit equation can still be recovered by computing any non-zero maximal minor of this matrix. The second method is the toric extension of the method of moving surfaces, and involves finding linear and quadratic relations (syzygies) among the input polynomials. When there are no base points, we show that these can be put together into a square matrix whose determinant is the implicit equation. Its extension to the case where there are base points is also explored. Modeling and Foundations of multi-sided patches Part 1: Jorg Peters Modeling with multisided patches Part 2: Kestutis Karciauskas Algebraic constructions of rational multisided patches Abstract of Part 2: A careful analysis of the algebraic structure of rational multi-sided patches in the literature reveals a deep connection between their geometric properties and base points of the functions defining them. The talk shows how the placement of the base points of the basis functions of multisided patches helps to create surfaces with desired geometric properties. Ragni Piene "On the singularities of some parameterized surfaces" The Pluecker formulas for plane complex algebraic curves give relations between enumerative characters of the curve, such as its degree and class, and the numbers of its various singularities. Here we shall look at similar kinds of formulas for algebraic surfaces in projective 3-space. In particular we shall consider some parameterized surfaces commonly used in CAGD: Veronese (triangular), Segre (tensor), Del Pezzo, rational scrolls, monoids. In the case of real curves, there is a formula due to Klein and Schuh involving the number of certain real singularities, and for real surfaces there is a formula due to Viro.