Sharpness of fewnomial bounds and the number of components of a fewnomial hypersurface

Frédéric Bihan, J. Maurice Rojas, and Frank Sottile.

We give a construction of a nxn fewnomial system with n+k+1 monomials having k-k(n+k)k positive solutions. This shows that the dependence on n in the fewnomial upper bound of (e2+3) 2k(k-1)/2-2nk is sharp, for k fixed. We also adapt a method of Perrucci to show that there are fewer than (e2+3) 2k(k-1)/2-22nnk connected components in a hypersurface in the positive orthant of Rn defined by a polynomial with n+k+1 monomnials. Our results hold for polynomials with real exponents.

The manuscript in postscript, and in pdf.