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2.iii.b. Fewnomial Upper Bounds

These definitions, constructions, and results apply to what have come to be known as fewnomial systems. A fewnomial is a polynomial f with few monomials--the monomials of f are members of some set A not necessarily equal to the lattice points within its convex hull. In particular, the results of Section 2.iii.a give lower bounds on the maximum number of real solutions r(A) to a system of fewnomials whose monomials are from A. Here, we use a regular triangulation Aw of the point set A induced from a lifting function w : A --> Q.

When n = 1, consider the binomial (a fewnomial) system

xd - 1   =   0 .

This has d complex solutions. We similarly expect that the number of complex solutions to a fewnomial system to be equal to the BKK bound. The above binomial system has either 1 or 2 real solutions, and so the number of real solutions to a fewnomial system should be less than the BKK bound. The question is: How much less?

Khovanskii [Kh1,Kh2] established a very general result concerning systems where each fi is a polynomial function of the monomials xa for a in A. He proves that the number of real solutions to such a system is at most 2n2N(n+1)#A, where N is #A(#A-1)/2 (= #A choose 2), and #A is the number of monomials in A. When the polynomial functions are linear, they are polynomials with monomials from A, and hence we have Khovanskii's fewnomial bound.


While this bound seems outrageously large, it does not depend upon the volume of the convex hull of A, but rather on the algebraic complexity--the ambient dimension n and the size #A of A. That such a bound exists at all was revolutionary.

We compare this complexity bound to the combinatorial upper bound (2.6) on the number of real solutions to a lifted fewnomial system (2.4) in the limit as t approaches 0. The invariant e(F) of a facet of the regular triangulation Aw of A is at most n. Thus

r   is at most 2n times the number of facets Aw

Since a facet involves n+1 points from A, this is in turn bounded by
2n times the binomial coeffecient .
This bound is typically much lower than Khovanskii's bound. For example, consider two trinomials in two variables. Here n=2, and after multiplying each equation by a suitable monomial, we have #A= 5. Thus we have Khovanskii's fewnomial bound

r(A)   is at most   22 210 35   =   995,328 .

In contrast, a triangulation of 5 points in the plane has at most 5 simplices

and so the bound r for limiting lifted systems involving the same 5 monomials is 22 5   =   20 .

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