Frobenius elements for = 6 on G(4,9).

We tried to compute 300000 Frobenius elements for each of the primes 101, 1009, 5003, 10007, and 30011
for the enriched Schubert problem = 6 on G(4,9).
For each cycle type and prime, we record the number observed (frequency), the fraction, normalised to 48,
and an empirical fraction, where we divide the frequency by number of times the identity was observed.
The first table compares the observed fraction at the different primes, and later tables are for the computations at each prime.
Fractions found at different primes
Cycle Type 101 1009 5003 10007 30011
(6) 8.36808.01428.04538.02307.9468
(3,3) 8.41618.04478.05418.02047.9534
(2,4) 5.99875.97215.93205.98626.0280
(2,2,2) 6.77806.99726.99556.98437.0091
(1,1,4) 6.05376.01436.00445.99956.0179
(1,1,2,2) 8.77848.99468.98278.99889.0208
(1,1,1,1,2) 2.75552.96773.01053.00362.9938
Cycles found in 273859 samples Prime 101
Cycle TypeFrequencyFractionEmpirical
Cycles found in 297300 samples Prime 1009
Cycle TypeFrequencyFractionEmpirical
Cycles found in 299444 samples Prime 5003
Cycle TypeFrequencyFractionEmpirical
Cycles found in 299721 samples Prime 10007
Cycle TypeFrequencyFractionEmpirical
Cycles found in 299911 samples Prime 30011
Cycle TypeFrequencyFractionEmpirical

Last modified: Fri Nov 2 21:01:32 EDT 2018