Eulerian actions on posets and the combinatorics of peaks Berkeley Combinatorics Seminar 13 March 2000 Frank Sottile University of Massachusetts-Amherst The algebraic combinatorics of a polytope is encoded by its flag f-vector, which satisfies the generalized Dehn-Sommerville relations of Bayer and Billera. The flag f-vector is seen to arise from a combinatorial action of a free associative algebra on the face poset of the polytope, and the common kernel of these actions is the generalized Dehn-Sommerville relations. Billera and Liu elegantly reformulated these subtle relations, showing that this ideal is generated by the obvious Euler relations, and the resulting quotient has Hilbert function the Fibonacci sequence. While studying `the combinatorics of peaks', Stembridge introduced the Peak subalgebra of the algebra of quasi-symmetric functions, as a target for a generating function for peak enumeration. The Hilbert function of this peak algebra is also the Fibonacci sequence. This talk, which describes joint work with Bergeron, Mykytiuk, and van Willigenberg, will connect these two stories via our theory of combinatorial actions on graded posets and the resulting quasi-symmetric function. In particular, we show the peak algebra and the algebra of Billera and Liu are dual Hopf algebras. This leads to the notion of an Eulerian combinatorial action - one satisfying the generalized Dehn- Sommerville relations. Such Eulerian actions abound in the isotropic Schubert calculus, polytope theory, and in the `combinatorics of peaks', and this theory should allow us to apply techniques developed for study flag f-vectors to these other combinatorial domains.