AMS Sectional Meeting in Fayetteville, Ar
3-5 November 2006

Title:Simple counting of integer points via irrationality.
Session Name: Special Session on Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics

Author: Frank Sottile

Abstract: In 1988 Brion gave a formula for the integer points in a rational polytope in Rd in terms of certain rational generating functions associated to its vertices. His proof used the equivariant K-theory of singular toric varieties, and his formula led to Barvinok's polynomial-time algorithm for the integer points in a polytope.
    I will present a proof of Brion's Theorem based on simple counting, using the technique of irrational decompositions. This is joint work with Beck and Haase. I will also describe how Koeppe uses irrational decompositions to dramatically improve the performance of Barvinok's algorithm.