Equivariant Chow ring of the quot scheme The quot scheme parameterizes quotient sheaves of the rank n free sheaf over P^1 of given rank k and degree d. This smooth variety is a compactification of the space of rational curves of degree d in the Grassmannain of rank k quotients of C^n. The ranks of its homology groups were determined by Stromme, who used the action of a natural torus on the quot scheme. In joint work with Linda Chen and Tom Braden, we give a presentation for the equivariant Chow ring of the quot scheme. While we use the formalism of Goresky, Kottwicz, and Macpherson, this formalism does not strictly apply, as the 1-dimensional torus orbits on the quot scheme are not isolated. In this talk, I will describe some of the geometry of the quot scheme and this torus action, and then explain how to extend the formalism of Goresky-Kottwicz-MacPherson to obtain a presentation of the equivariant Chow ring of the quot scheme.