\n MATH 253 \hfill Section 501 -- 503 \hfill \hfill P. Yasskin \hfill Fall 1996 \section*{ Suggested Homework Problems} { \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{} \renewcommand{\theenumii}{\arabic{enumii}} \renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\S\arabic{enumi}.\theenumii} \newcommand{\Md}{\({}^{\textsc{m}}\)} \newcommand{\Mp}{\({}^{\textsc{p}}\)} \newcommand{\Mc}{\({}^{\sqrt{}}\)} \n TEXT: \quad \textbf{Calculus, Third Edition} --- James Stewart, Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1995 \medskip \n\Md \ = DO USING MAPLE \n\Mp \ = PLOT IT or DO THE PLOTS USING MAPLE \n\Mc \ = CHECK USING MAPLE \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{10} \item \textbf{Chapter 11. Three-Dimensional Geometry and Vectors} \begin{enumerate} \item %1 \# 3\Mp(Use spacecurve), 5\Mp, 7, 9, 10\Mp, 13\Mp(Use implicitplot), 17\Mc(Use completesquare), 22\Mp, 25, 29, 31, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47 \vspace{20pt} \item %2 \# 1\Mp(Use plot), 5\Mp(Use spacecurve), 7\Mc, 9, 11\Mc, 14\Mc, 17, 20\Mc, 21, 23, 24\Mc, 27\Md, 29, 31, 32\Mc, 33, 34\Md \vspace{20pt} \item %3 \# 1, 4\Mc(Use dot), 5, 7, 11\Mc(Use dot \& len), 14\Mc, 15\Mc, 17\Md(Use angle), 21, 22\Mc, 23, 27, 28\Mc, 37, 39\Mc, 41, 43, 45, 48\Mc, 49, 50\Mc, 51, 57\Mp(Use spacecurve) \vspace{20pt} \item %4 \# 1, 4\Mc(Use cross), 7, 8, 9, 10\Md, 11, 19, 20\Mc, 21, 24\Mc, 25, 28\Mc, 31, 32\Md, 40 \vspace{20pt} \item %5 \# 1, 3\Mp(Use spacecurve), 5, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19\Mc, 25\Mc, 29\Mc(Also give the parametric form.\Mc), 31(Also give the parametric form.), 35\Mc, 37\Md, 43, 47, 51\Mc, 55, 63, 65 \vspace{20pt} \item %6 \# (Identify the surface and use Maple to plot these surfaces: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9), 17-24, 29\Mc(Use completesquare), 32\Mc, 33, 39\Md, 40\Md, 41, 42, 43, 44 \vspace{20pt} \item %7 \# 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10\Mc(Use spacecurve), 12\Mc, 15, 17\Md, 18\Md, 19\Md, 20\Md, 23, 25\Mc, 27, 31\Mc, 34\Mc, 35, 37, 39\Mp(Use plot), 41, 44\Mc, 45, 47, 49, 51\Md, 53, 58\Mc, 59, 61, 62\Mc, 69, 70\Mc, 74 \vspace{20pt} \item %8 \# 1, 2\Mc, 3, 4\Mc, 6\Md, 7\Mc, 11, 12\Mc, 15, 17\Mc, 19, 25\Md, 31, 32\Md, 33, 37, 41, 47\Md, 48\Mc, 49\Md \vspace{20pt} \item %9 \# 1, 3\Mp(Use plot), 5, 9, 12\Mc, 13, 15, 17, 18\Md, 19, 20, 23, 27\Mc, 31\Mc, 33 \vspace{20pt} \item %10 \# Skip until Chapter 13 \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} }