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Texas A&M University

Mathematical Physics and Harmonic Analysis Seminar

Date: September 6, 2019

Time: 1:50PM - 2:50PM

Location: BLOC 628

Speaker: Robert Booth, Texas A&M University


Title: Almost Global Existence for Asymptotically Euclidean Quasilinear Wave Equations

Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss a recent result demonstrating almost global existence for a class of non-trapping asymptotically Euclidean quasilinear wave equations with small initial data.  A novel feature is that the wave operator may be a large perturbation of the usual D'Alembertian operator.  The solution is constructed via an iteration argument based on local energy estimates for an appropriately linearized version of our wave equation.  Techniques used to develop the key local energy estimate include microlocal analysis, Carleman estimates, and positive commutator arguments.