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Texas A&M University

Events for 09/18/2019 from all calendars

Quantum Symmetries Seminar

iCal  iCal

Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM

Location: BLOC 111

Speaker: Adam Deaton, Texas A&M University

Title: Exercise 3

Student Working Seminar in Groups and Dynamics

iCal  iCal

Time: 1:00PM - 2:00PM

Location: BLOC 628

Speaker: Krzysztof Święcicki

Title: 3-Manifolds

Abstract: In his celebrated work from 2003, Perelman finished the proof of Poincare conjecture in dimension 3. His result is in fact far stronger and implies Thurston's geometrization conjecture, which classifies possible geometric structures on 3 manifolds. I'll give an overview of the result and introduce all eight basic geometries and their connection to group theory. I won't assume any knowledge outside of basic topology, so any newcomers are welcome.

Groups and Dynamics Seminar

iCal  iCal

Time: 3:00PM - 4:00PM

Location: BLOC 220

Speaker: Misha Lyubich, Stonybrook

Title: Quasisymmetries of Julia sets

Abstract: We will describe the group of quasisymmetric self-homeomorphisms of some Julia sets J. The answer depends substantially on the Julia set in question. For instance, for a ``Sierpinski carpet" J, this group turns out to be finite, for the ``basilica" J it is an uncountably infinite group containing the circle Thompson group, while for an ``Apollonian gasket" J, it is countably infinite. Based on joint results with M. Bonk, R. Lodge, S. Merenkov, and S. Mukherjee.

Committee P Meeting

iCal  iCal

Time: 4:00PM - 5:00PM

Location: BLOC 220

Speaker: Committee P Meeting, Texas A&M University

Graduate Student Organization Seminar

iCal  iCal

Time: 4:00PM - 5:00PM

Location: BLOC 628

Speaker: Petr Naryshkin

Title: Concentration and entire solutions to $\Delta u - u + u^3 = 0$ with various symmetries

Abstract: We introduce the notion of concentration and outline the proof of the Concentration theorem for the given variational problem. We use it to show the existence of families of entire solutions to the equation $\Delta u - u + u^3 = 0$ in $\mathbb{R}^2$ with various symmetries. We finish by extending our results to more general equations in arbitrary dimension.