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Texas A&M University

Noncommutative Geometry Seminar

Date: September 23, 2020

Time: 1:00PM - 2:00PM

Location: Zoom 942810031

Speaker: Rudolf Zeidler, University of Göttingen


Title: Scalar curvature comparison via the Dirac operator

Abstract: In recent years, Gromov proposed studying the geometry of positive scalar curvature (abbreviated by "psc") via various metric inequalities. In particular, he proposed the following conjecture: Let $M$ be a closed manifold which does not admit a metric of psc. Then for any Riemannian metric on $V = M \times [-1,1]$ of scalar curvature $\geq n(n-1)$ the estimate $d(\partial_- V, \partial_+ V) \leq 2\pi/n$ holds, where $\partial_\pm V = M \times \{\pm 1\}$ and $n = \dim V$. Previously, Rosenberg and Stolz conjectured similarly that if $M$ does not admit psc, then $M \times \mathbb{R}$ does not admit a complete metric of psc and $M \times \mathbb{R}^2$ does not admit a complete metric of uniformly psc. In this talk, we will discuss a new geometric phenomenon consisting of a precise quantitative interplay between distance estimates and scalar curvature bounds which underlies these three conjectures. We will explain that this phenomenon arises if $M$ admits an obstruction to psc using the index theory of Dirac operators.

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