Date: February 29, 2024
Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM
Location: BLOC 306
Speaker: Dr. Prabir Daripa, Texas A&M University
Title: Introduction to modeling of population dynamics
Abstract: We will introduce some models, continuous and discrete, for population dynamics. Then we will study these at a very elementary level and discuss pros and cons of these models. We will show why mathematical understanding of these models are important before their use for estimating future population. There will be several takeaways from this talk including the emergence of chaos lurking in very simple models. The hallmark of this is that when "present" determines the future but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future". This is in essence "Chaos" (In Wikipedia, you find this as one of the definitions of "Chaos" within "Chaos Theory") as opposed to classical stability theory in which when the present determines the future and the approximate present does determine the future but may be a drastically different one. The content of the talk will be kept very simple so that it is accessible to even first year undergraduate students.