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Texas A&M University

CombinaTexas Conferences

CombinaTexas 2019

CombinaTexas, a combinatorics conference in the South-Central United States, is an annual regional conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing. It is dedicated to the enhancement of both the educational and research atmospheres of the community of combinatorialists and graph theorists in Texas and the surrounding states. The aim of the CombinaTexas series is to increase communication between mathematicians in the region, promote the research of the regional combinatorics community, and provide a forum for presentation and discussion of developments in the field of combinatorics.

For more information about the CombinaTexas series, click here.

Basic Information

Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX,
March 23-24, 2019. (The Conference will start on Satuday morning and end anound noon of Sunday.)


The deadline to request support and submit contributed talks is February 28th, 2019.
The general registration deadline is March 8th, 2019.


A limited amount of support is available. The conference will book hotel rooms for one night (March 23) for participants who requested financial aid. (Graduate students and postdocs may need to share a double room.) In addition, there is a small amount of support for travel expenses, for which we will give priority to graduate students and recent Ph.Ds with contributed talks. If you are applying for the travel support, please indicate the estimated amount of airfare.
The application for support, as well as submission of contributed talks, should be done through the on-line registration form.

Plenary Speakers

  • Ira Gessel, Brandeis University.
    • Title: Rook theory and simplicial complexes
  • Jessica McDonald, Auburn University.
    • Title: Packing and Covering Triangles in Graphs and Digraphs
  • Criel Merino, UNAM, Mexico.
    • Title: Some heterochromatic theorems for matroids
  • Svetlana Poznanovikj, Clemson University.
    • Title: Properties of some combinatorial statistics: from permutations to words and labeled trees
  • Brendon Rhoades, University of California, San Diego.
    • Title: Spanning subspace configurations
  • Joel Spencer, New York University.
    • Title: Four Discrepancies

Schedule and Abstracts

All the academic activities will be held at Blocker Building on the Texas A&M Campus; here is an interactive campus map .

Click each title to reveal the abstract, or download the full schedule.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

08:00am - 08:30am BLOC 141 Registration and Breakfast
08:30am - 09:30am BLOC 166 Joel Spencer (New York University)
+ Four Discrepancies
09:30am - 10:50am Contributed Session I
BLOC 166 Session A
09:30am - 09:50am Humberto Bautista Serrano, University of Texas at Tyler
+ Intersection numbers and inconjugate intersection numbers for finite groups
09:50am - 10:10am Andres Carnero, UNAM
+ Homology groups and total domination
10:10am - 10:30am Lucas Rusnak, Texas State University
+ The category of incidence structures and generalizing graph theories
10:30am - 10:50am Charles Burnette, Saint Louis University
+ Permutations with equal orders
BLOC 164 Session B
09:30am - 09:50am Suk Seo, Middle Tennessee State University
+ Fault-tolerant distinguishing sets in cubic graphs
09:50am - 10:10am Christy Graves, University of Texas at Tyler
+ Uniformly most reliable 2-terminal networks
10:10am - 10:30am Martin-Eduardo Frias-Armenta, Univerisdad de Sonora
+ Contractible transformations of graphs and collapsibility
10:30am - 10:50am Hector Alfredo Hernandez-Hdez, Universidad de Sonora
+ Programs to calculate Ivashchenko's and colapsibles graphics
10:50am - 11:10am BLOC 141 Break
11:10am - 12:10pm BLOC 166 Svetlana Poznanovikj (Clemson University)
+ Properties of some combinatorial statistics: from permutations to words and labeled trees
12:10pm - 02:00pm Lunch
02:00pm - 03:00pm BLOC 166 Brendon Rhoades (University of California San Diego)
+Spanning subspace configurations
03:00pm - 04:20pm Contributed Session II
BLOC 166 Session A
03:00pm - 03:20pm Kassie Archer, University of Texas at Tyler
+ Pattern avoidance and cycle type
03:20pm - 03:40pm Suho Oh, Texas State University
+ h-vector of some Gammoids
03:40pm - 04:00pm Somabha Mukherjee, University of Pennsylvania
+ Limiting Distribution of Quadratic Chaos on Graphs
04:00pm - 04:20pm
BLOC 164 Session B
03:00pm - 03:20pm Rupei Xu, The University of Texas at Dallas
+ Ulam Decompositions in Sparse Graphs
03:20pm - 03:40pm Ali Dogan, University of Houston Victoria
+ On Saturated Graphs
03:40pm - 04:00pm JD Nir, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
+ Turán-Type Questions about Cliques and Stars
04:00pm - 04:20pm Chun-Hung Liu, Texas A&M University
+ Killing subgraphs of large minimum degree in H-minor free graphs randomly
04:20pm - 04:40pm BLOC 141 Break
04:40pm - 05:40pm BLOC 166 Criel Merino (UNAM)
+ Some heterochromatic theorems for matroids
06:00pm - 08:00pm BLOC 141 Conference Dinner (catered)

Sunday, March 24, 2019

08:00am - 08:30am BLOC 141 Breakfast
08:30am - 09:50am Contributed Session III
BLOC 166 Session A
08:30am - 08:50am Ahmed Ashraf, University of Western Ontario
+ Tiling character polynomials
08:50am - 09:10am Joshua Swanson, University of California, San Diego
+ Cyclotomic generating function asymptotics
09:10am - 09:30am Tri Lai, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
+ Factorization Theorems for Tiling Enumerations of Regions with Holes
09:30am - 09:50am Jacob White, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
+ Universal Binomial Coefficients
BLOC 164 Session B
08:30am - 08:50am Derek Drumm, Lamar University
+ Constructing a Fulfilled NFL Schedule Using Design Theory Techniques
08:50am - 09:10am Caleb Ji, Washington University in St. Louis
+ Distinguishing numbers and generalizations
09:10am - 09:30am Pani Seneviratne, Texas A&M University-Commerce
+ Circulant graphs and their codes
09:30am - 09:50am Esmaeil Parsa, The University of Montana
+ Aspects of Unique D-Colorability for Digraphs
09:50am - 10:10am BLOC 141 Break
10:10am - 11:10am BLOC 166 Jessica McDonald (Auburn University)
+ Packing and Covering Triangles in Graphs and Digraphs
11:10am - 12:10pm BLOC 166 Ira Gessel (Brandeis University)
+ Rook theory and simplicial complexes

Location, Transportation, Parking

All the activities will be held at Blocker Building on the campus of Texas A&M University.

The Northside Garage (NSG) is located directly across from the Blocker Building (BLOC) and has space for visitor parking. During the weekend, you can also park for free at any un-reserved space in a numbered lot, such as Lot 50 and Lot 51. The interactive campus map also lists available parking lots.

Texas A&M University is located in College Station, Texas, which by automobile lies about 1 hour and 45 minutes northwest of Houston, 1 hour and 45 minutes east of Austin, and 3 hours south of Dallas. Easterwood Airport in College Station is served by American Airlines (connecting to Dallas) and United Airlines (connecting to Houston). There is also a shuttle service from Bush Intercontinental Airport and Hobby Airport in Houston and a shuttle service from Austin-Bergstrom Airport.


Hotel reservations for registered participants who receive financial support will be arranged and billed through the Mathematics Department. Details of your reservation will be sent to the provided email address at least one weeks prior to the conference. Participants will be housed at the The George at College Station or Cavalry Court College Station . Both are in the new Century Square and within walking distance to Blocker. Graduate students should expect to share a room. If you are not receiving financial support from the conference, you can stay in any hotel in town. Below are some hotels that are within walking distance to the conference site. Please check the rate and availability with the hotels directly.

Warning: Please be aware of a new scam, a "room poacher" email, which pretends to be the housing bureau for CombinaTexas. This is a new scam -- described on P285 of the February Notices. They were from: . Please ignore that email if you receive it.
If you receive financial aid from CombinaTexas'19, all the hotel reservation will be handled by the Math Dept of TAMU. Please contact the organizers if you have any questions. Otherwise you should make your own reservation. There is no third party that does the housing reservation for CombinaTexas.


A map of Texas A&M, and driving directions from the College Station airport.

A list of former CombinaTexas conferences.


This conference is supported in part by National Science Foundation, the Combinatorics Foundation, and the Department of Mathematics at Texas A&M University.


Yue Cai (Texas A&M University)
Laura Matusevich (Texas A&M University)
Catherine Yan (Texas A&M University)