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Texas A&M University

Instructions for Playing Variant: Limits

Variant: Limits is designed to help students understand and master abstract concepts related to limits, limit laws, asymptotes and concepts of infinity. Players will see the subject come to life in a 3D environment where they must solve a series of increasingly challenging calculus problems in order to stop the geomagnetic storms threatening their planet's survival. If you want to play the gamce, follow the instructions below.

Student Login Information

Access the MATH 151 classroom by visiting the Triseum Store. When prompted with the question 'Do you have a sign up ID', click the 'yes' button and use the SIGNUP ID 4v9xwy. Enter your information and accept the terms of agreement. Once this is complete you will have created the account and should be able to begin the game.

If you have problems and need technical support, please contact Triseum Support.

To help get started watch the video explaining how to use the student portal and a video explain how to play the game.

Last modified: 2019-07-22