Homological Algebra Homology refers to various invariants of groups, rings, modules, and spaces by which many of their properties may be expressed. Homological algebra encompasses useful techniques for computing and interpreting homology in algebraic contexts, a fundamental subject underlying many parts of modern algebra, topology, and geometry. In this introductory course, students will gain familiarity with the basic terminology and methods of homological algebra so that they may apply them in future courses, in their research, and to understanding talks and papers in which homology appears. The course will be a useful precursor to a commutative algebra course (to be proposed by Laura Matusevich in Spring 2020). Specific topics to be covered include: chain complexes, resolutions, Ext and Tor, categories and functors, homological dimension, bicomplexes, Kunneth Theorems, and spectral sequences. Further topics will depend on the interests of the students, and may include group cohomology, cohomology of tensor categories, or Hochschild homology and cohomology (I am writing a book on the latter). Throughout the course, general theory will be complemented by computations of examples.