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Texas A&M University

Faculty 1996 Travel and Talks

January 1996

  • Tamás Erdélyi
    "Littlewood-type problems on the unit circle and the unit interval" at the Mathematics Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, January 5, 1996.

  • Participants at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 10-13, 1996, Orlando, Florida:   James Boone, Arthur Hobbs, Vishnu G. Kamat, David R. Larson, Edward S. Letzter, Jane F. Schielack, Vincent P. Schielack, Jr., Roger R. Smith, Emil J. Straube, Jiye Yu Speakers:

    Vishnu G. Kamat, "Operators and multiwavelets", AMS Session on Operator Theory, Friday January 12, 1996.

    David R. Larson, "Extreme points in triangular UHF algebras" (joint work with Timothy D. Hudson [East Carolina University] and Elias G. Katsoulis [East Carolina University]), AMS Special Session on Nonselfadjoint Operator Algebras and Their Applications, Thursday January 11, 1996.

    Edward S. Letzter, "Subalgebras of Noetherian Hopf algebras", AMS Special Session on Algebra, Algebra Cohomology, and Polynomial Identities, Friday January 12, 1996.

    Jane F. Schielack, "Guidelines for the mathematics preparation of prospective elementary teachers", MAA Session on Standards for Introductory College Mathematics Courses Before Calculus, Wednesday January 10, 1996.

    Vincent P. Schielack, Jr., "A course in mathematics and technology for prospective teachers", MAA Session on Creating an Active Learning Environment: Preparing Pre-service Teachers, Thursday January 11, 1996.

    Roger R. Smith, "Higher-dimensional amenability for operator algebras" (joint work with Alan T. Paterson [University of Mississippi]), AMS Special Session on Nonselfadjoint Operator Algebras and Their Applications, Thursday January 11, 1996.

    Emil J. Straube, "On an interesting one form on the boundary of a pseudoconvex domain", AMS Special Session on Analytic Methods in Several Complex Variables, Thursday January 11, 1996.

February 1996

March 1996

April 1996

May 1996

June 1996

  • David L. Barrow and Stephen A. Fulling attended the Foundation Coalition Faculty Conference in Prescott, Arizona, June 9-10, 1996.

  • Richard E. Ewing, "Preconditioning techniques for mixed and nonconforming finite element methods," Conference on Algebraic Multilevel Iteration Methods with Applications, Catholic University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, June 13-15, 1996.

  • Arthur Hobbs organized a workshop called the Paul Catlin Memorial Workshop on Graph Minors and Eulerian Subgraphs, June 1 and 2, 1996, at Western Michigan University.

    Spoke at the Quadrennial International Conference on Graph Theory at Western Michigan University on June 3-7, 1996.

July 1996

  • Tamás Erdélyi, "Littlewood-type problems on the unit circle and the unit interval," University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, July 5, 1996.

  • Richard E. Ewing, "Three-phase flow formulation," Computational Methods in Water Resources XI, Cancún, Mexico, July 22-24, 1996.

August 1996

  • Doug Hensley spoke on "The statistics of the continued fraction digit sum" at the Fifth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association, 17-22 August, 1996, at Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

  • William Rundell was a participant in the AMS Committee on Education Panel Discussion on "How can you defend your graduate program in mathematics?" at the 1996 Seattle Mathfest, August 10-12, 1996.

September 1996

  • Tamás Erdélyi spoke on "Littlewood-type problems on the unit circle and the unit interval" at the Conference on Functional Analysis and Approximation Theory, Maratea, Italy, September 25, 1996.

October 1996

  • Speakers at the 1996 Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, October 5-6, 1996, Lawrenceville, New Jersey:

    Susan C. Geller, "The Artinean Berger conjecture" (joint work with Cortiñas Guillermo and Charles A. Weibel), Special Session on Algebraic K-theory.

    William B. Johnson, "Nonlinear quotients" (joint work with Sean M. Bates, Joram Lindenstrauss, David Preiss, and Gideon Schechtman), Special Session on Geometric Functional Analysis.

    Mark Rudelson, "Almost orthogonal submatrices of an orthogonal matrix," Special Session on Geometric Functional Analysis.

    Thomas Schlumprecht, "On asymptotic properties of Banach spaces under renormings" (joint work with Edward Odell), Special Session on Geometric Functional Analysis.

    Peter F. Stiller, "Torsion sections of elliptic surfaces," Special Session on Elliptic Surfaces.

  • Huai-Dong Cao, "The structure of stable minimal hypersurfaces in Euclidean space," Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, Rice University, October 12, 1996.

  • Jeffrey J. Morgan, "Some recent results for balanced reaction diffusion systems" (joint work with William E. Fitzgibbon and Selwyn L. Hollis), Special Session on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, 1996 Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Chattanooga, Tennessee, October 12, 1996.

  • Rekha R. Thomas, co-organizer, workshop on "Test sets in integer programming," Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin, October 20-22, 1996.

November 1996

  • Huai-Dong Cao, "The Gauss map of spacelike constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in Minkowski space," Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Austin, November 7, 1996.

  • Edward S. Letzter, "Finite stratification of spectra, the Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence, and q-skew polynomial algebras" (joint work with Kenneth R. Goodearl), Special Session on Hopf Algebras and Their Representations, Meeting #917 of the American Mathematical Society (1996 Fall Western Sectional Meeting), Pasadena, CA, November 16-17, 1996.

  • Darrin M. Speegle, "Banach spaces failing the almost isometric universal extension property," Special Session on Banach Spaces and Related Topics, Meeting #916 of the American Mathematical Society (1996 Fall Central Sectional Meeting), Columbia, MO, November 1-3, 1996.

December 1996

  • Richard E. Ewing, plenary speaker, "Mathematical modeling and simulation for applications of fluid flow in porous media," special session on Environmental Mathematics, Winter Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society, London, Ontario, Canada, December 7-9, 1996.

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