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Texas A&M University

Faculty Awards

December 4, 2013

Outstanding Service: Heather Ramsey

Heather Ramsey does an outstanding job as an academic advisor. Her work with the Actuarial Program is exemplary. Companies are extremely eager to attend meetings of the Aggies Actuaries Club. One company even sent five actuaries and their lead HR representative to do mock interviews on a Saturday morning. Our students have been highly successful in the internship process. Additionally, Heather Ramsey serves on the departmental Undergraduate Studies Committee and on the Lecturer Committee, and she was elected this fall as a College of Science representative to the Faculty Senate.

Outstanding Service: Zoran Sunik

Zoran Sunik has made valuable contributions to numerous service activities. His interaction with talented students includes helping with the department’s High School Mathematics Contest, teaching at the summer SMaRT Camp, running the Putnam Challenge course, and participating on national committees for mathematics competitions. He serves on the departmental Honors Committee, on Subcommittee T, and on the Outreach Committee. Moreover, he serves as Managing Editor of the journal Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics.

Outstanding Teaching: Joe Kahlig

Joe Kahlig is an exceptional teacher who consistently receives excellent reviews from his students. He goes out of his way to provide extra resources and problems to assist his students in their learning. He cares about his students and strives to create an environment that fosters success. He is a great resource for new instructors and for graduate students teaching their first course.

Outstanding Teaching: Stephen Fulling

Stephen Fulling has a long history of pedagogical innovation. He is constantly seeking new ways to help students realize their potential, ranging from active learning to collaborative exercises to writing assignments. He has been notably successful at involving students in research; he finds projects for them that are doable, and he patiently guides the students to publishable results.