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Texas A&M University

Seminar on Banach and Metric Space Geometry

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LocationSpeaker Title click for abstract
iCal 01/24
BLOC 302 Mikael de la Salle
Université Lyon I and IAS
Higher-rank lattices and uniformly convex Banach spaces (this is a joint seminar with the Groups and Dynamics seminar)
iCal 02/01
BLOC 302 Hung Viet Chu
Texas A&M University
Higher Order Tsirelson Spaces and their Modified Version are Isomorphic
iCal 02/22
BLOC 302 Chris Gartland
University of California, San Diego
Stochastic Embeddings of Hyperbolic Metric Spaces
iCal 03/21
BLOC 302 Harisson Gaebler
University of North Texas
Riemann integration and asymptotic structure of Banach spaces
iCal 04/04
BLOC 302 Rubén Medina
Universidad de Granada
On nonlinear approximation properties and a problem of Godefroy and Ozawa
