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Texas A&M University

Groups and Dynamics Seminar

Fall 2019


Date:September 11, 2019
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Nguyen-Bac Dang, Stonybrook
Title:Spectral gap in the dynamical degrees of tame automorphism preserving an affine quadric threefold
Abstract:In this talk, I will present the tame automorphisms group preserving an affine quadric threefold. The main focus of my talk is the understanding of the degree sequences induced by the elements of this group. Precisely, I will explain how one can apply some ideas from geometric group theory in combination with valuative techniques to show that the values of the dynamical degrees of these tame automorphisms admit a spectral gap. Finally I will apply these techniques to study random walks on this particular group.

Date:September 18, 2019
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Misha Lyubich, Stonybrook
Title:Quasisymmetries of Julia sets
Abstract:We will describe the group of quasisymmetric self-homeomorphisms of some Julia sets J. The answer depends substantially on the Julia set in question. For instance, for a ``Sierpinski carpet" J, this group turns out to be finite, for the ``basilica" J it is an uncountably infinite group containing the circle Thompson group, while for an ``Apollonian gasket" J, it is countably infinite. Based on joint results with M. Bonk, R. Lodge, S. Merenkov, and S. Mukherjee.

Date:September 25, 2019
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Frank Lin, UT Austin
Title:A topological dynamical system with two different positive sofic entropies
Abstract:Dynamical entropy is an important tool in classifying measure-preserving or topological dynamical systems up to measure or topological conjugacy. Classical dynamical entropy theory, of an action of a single transformation, has been studied since the 50s and 60s. Recently Lewis Bowen and Kerr-Li have developed entropy theory for actions of sofic groups. Although a conjugacy invariant, sofic entropy in general appears to be less well-behaved than classical entropy. In particular, sofic entropy may depend on the choice of sofic approximation, although only degenerate examples have been known until now. We present an example, inspired by hypergraph 2-colorings from statistical physics literature, of a topological dynamical system with two different positive topological sofic entropies corresponding to different sofic approximations. The measure-theoretic case remains open.

Date:October 16, 2019
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Vadim Kaimanovich, University of Ottawa
Title:Freedom and boundaries
Abstract:I will outline recent results (joint with Anna Erschler) on the stabilizers of the group action on its Poisson boundary: existence of a free boundary action for any group with infinite conjugacy classes, a complete description of the possible kernels of such actions, and an example of a totally non-free boundary action.

Date:October 23, 2019
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Nóra Gabriella Szőke
Title:A Tits alternative for topological full groups
Abstract:I will present a Tits alternative for topological full groups of minimal actions of finitely generated groups. On the one hand, the topological full group of a minimal action of a virtually cyclic group is amenable. This is a generalization of the result of Juschenko and Monod for Z-actions. On the other hand, when a finitely generated group G is not virtually cyclic, then we can construct a minimal free action of G on a Cantor space such that the topological full group contains a non-abelian free group.

Date:November 13, 2019
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:Tatiana Nagnibeda, University of Geneva
Title:Various types of spectra and spectral measures on Schreier and Cayley graphs.
Abstract:We will be interested in the Laplacian on graphs associated with finitely generated groups: Cayley graphs and more generally Schreier graphs corresponding to some natural group actions. The spectrum of such an operator is a compact subset of the closed interval [-1,1], but not much more can be said about it in general. We will discuss various techniques that allow to construct examples with different types of spectra: connected, union of two intervals, totally disconnected…, and how this depends on the choice of the generating set in the group. Types of spectral measures that can arise in these examples will also be discussed.

Date:November 13, 2019
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Paul Schupp, UIUC
Title:Closures of Turing Degrees
Abstract:This talk is on aspect of my general project with Carl Jockusch on “the coarsification of computability theory”, that is, bringing the asymptotic-generic point of view of geometric group theory into the theory of computability. Classically, computability theory studies Turing degrees, that is, equivalence classes of subsets of N which are computationally equivalent. Coarse computability studies how closely arbitrary subsets of N can be approximated by computable sets. The idea of coarse computabilty leads to a natural definition of the closure of a Turing degree in the space S of coarse similarity classes of subsets of N with the Besicovich metric. It turns out that S is an interesting space. We will discuss interactions of the topology of S and properties of Turing degrees.

Date:November 13, 2019
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein
Title:Hecke algebras of multiplicity-free induced representations
Abstract:Given a finite group G and a subgroup K, one says that (G,K) is a Gelfand pair provided the associated permutation representation (\lambda, L(G/K)) is multiplicity-free (that is, decomposes into pairwise non-equivalent irreducible subrepresentations). This condition is equivalent to the algebra End_G(L(G/K)) of interwining operators being commutative. Observe that \lambda is nothing but the induced representation Ind_K^G \iota_K of the trival representation \iota_K of K. In [CS-S-T] we consider triples (G,K,\theta), where \theta is, more generally, an irreducible K-representation and introduce a Hecke-type algebra H(G,K,\theta) - analogous to End_G(L(G/K)) - and show that that Ind_K^G\theta is multiplicity-free if and only if H (G,K,\theta) is commutative. We apply our results in the context of the representation theory of GL_2(q), the general linear group of a field with q elements. [CS-S-T] Harmonic analysis and spherical functions for multiplicity-free induced representations of finite groups. Springer (to appear) arXiv: 1811.09526.