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Texas A&M University

Linear Analysis Seminar

Fall 2019


Date:October 4, 2019
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Jurij Volcic, TAMU
Title:Noncommutative polynomials describing convex sets
Abstract:The free semialgebraic set D determined by a hermitian noncommutative polynomial f is the set of tuples of hermitian matrices X such that f(X) is positive semidefinite. When f is a hermitian monic linear pencil, D is called a free spectrahedron. Since it is the feasible set of a linear matrix inequality (LMI), it is evidently convex. Conversely, it is well-known that every convex free semialgebraic set is a free spectrahedron. This talk presents a solution to the basic problem of determining those noncommutative polynomials f for which D is convex. A consequence is an effective probabilistic algorithm that not only determines if D is convex, but also produces its LMI representation. Further results address 1x1 noncommutative polynomials describing convex sets.

Date:October 18, 2019
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Li Gao, TAMU
Title:Quantum entropy and noncommutative L_p norms
Abstract:Entropy and its variants play a central role in both classical- and quantum information theory. In last decade, the connection between quantum entropies and noncommutative $L_p$-norms has found many application in quantum information. In this talk, I will explain how this connection provides functional analytic tools to entropic quantity, such as quantum channel capacity and entropic uncertainty principle. A new connection between relative entropy and subfactor index will also be mentioned. This talk is based on joint works with Marius Junge and Nicholas LaRacuente.

Date:October 25, 2019
Location:BLOC 628 **
Speaker:Jordyn Harriger, Indiana University
Title:Planar Algebras Related to the Symmetric Groups

Date:November 22, 2019
Location:BLOC 624 ***
Speaker:Priyanga Ganesan, TAMU
Title:Quantum Majorization in Infinite Dimensions
Abstract:Majorization is a concept from linear algebra that is used to compare disorderness in physics, computer science, economics and statistics. Recently, Gour et al (2018) extended matrix majorization to the quantum mechanical setting to accommodate ordering of quantum states. In this talk, I will discuss a generalization of their definition and entropic characterization of quantum majorization to the infinite dimensional setting, using operator space tensor products and duality. This is based on joint work with Li Gao, Satish Pandey and Sarah Plosker.

Date:December 4, 2019
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:Miza Rahaman, University of Waterlooo
Title:Bisynchronous Games and Factorizable Maps
Abstract:In the theory of non-local games, the graph isomorphism game stands out to be an intriguing one. Specially when the algebra of this game is considered. This is because this game establishes a close connection between the algebra of the game and the theory of quantum permutation groups. It turns out that the graph isomorphism game is an example of a bisynchronous game. In this talk, I will introduce these games and the corresponding correlations arising from the perfect strategies for such games. Moreover, when the number of inputs is equal to the number of outputs, each bisynchronous correlation gives rise to a completely positive map which will be shown to be factorizable in the sense of Haagerup- Musat. This is a joint work with Vern Paulsen.

Date:December 6, 2019
Location:BLOC 220
Speaker:Chris Phillips, University of Oregon
Title:The Cuntz semigroup of the crossed product by a finite group action with the weak tracial Rokhlin property
Abstract:Let A be a simple unital C*-algebra. Suppose that a finite group G acts on A, and that the action has the weak tracial Rokhlin property, a generalization of the Rokhlin property which uses positive elements instead of projections, and is fairly common. We prove that, after discarding the classes of the nonzero projections, the Cuntz semigroup of the fixed point algebra is just the fixed points in the Cuntz semigroup of A. For context, for algebras without strict comparison, the Cuntz semigroup is often very hard to compute. As a corollary, we prove that the radius of comparison of the crossed product satisfies rc (C^* (G, A)) \leq [1 / card (G)] rc (A). We also give an example of a simple separable unital AH algebra A and an action of the two element group G on A which has the Rokhlin property, and such that rc (A) and rc (C^* (G, A)) are both strictly positive. The way the weak tracial Rokhlin property is used in the proof is different from the usual methods in C*-algebras. Joint work with M. Ali Asadi-Vasfi and Nasser Golestani.