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Texas A&M University

Numerical Analysis Seminar

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LocationSpeaker Title click for abstract
iCal 09/18
BLOC 302 Jeffrey Ovall
Portland State University
Computational tools for approximating eigenvectors having specified properties of interest
iCal 10/02
BLOC 302 Nicolas Favrie
Aix Marseille Université
Resolution of dispersive equations by the extended Lagrangian method: application to waves and gradient damage
iCal 10/16
BLOC 302 Ricardo H. Nochetto
University of Maryland
Quasi-linear fractional operators in Lipschitz domains: regularity and approximation
iCal 10/23
BLOC 302 Guosheng Fu
University of Notre Dame
Finite Element Methods for Optimal Transport and Mean-Field Control

The organizer for this seminar is Bojan Popov.
