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Texas A&M University

Student/Postdoc Working Geometry Seminar

Fall 2022


Date:August 26, 2022
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:JM Landsberg, TAMU
Title:Spaces of matrices of constant rank

Date:September 2, 2022
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:Runshi Geng, TAMU
Title:Intersections of unitary groups arising in quantum information theory

Date:September 9, 2022
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:JM Landsberg, TAMU
Title:Spaces of constant rank II: vector bundle perspective

Date:September 16, 2022
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:Vincent Steffan, TAMU and Copenhagen
Title:Quantum information theory news from Copenhagen

Date:September 23, 2022
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:JM Landsberg, TAMU
Title:Castelnuovo's lemma and Steiner bundles

Date:October 7, 2022
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:Suhan Zhong, TAMU
Title:Dehomogenization for Completely Positive Tensors
Abstract:A real symmetric tensor is completely positive (CP) if it is a sum of symmetric tensor powers of nonnegative vectors. We propose a dehomogenization approach for studying CP tensors. This gives new Moment-SOS relaxations for CP tensors. Detection for CP tensors and the linear conic optimization with CP tensor cones can be solved more efficiently by the dehomogenization approach.

Date:October 14, 2022
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:JM Landsberg, TAMU
Title:Explicit spaces of constant rank via Steiner bundles

Date:October 21, 2022
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:V. Steffan, TAMU/Copenhagen
Title:Strassen's additivity conjecture and variants.

Date:November 8, 2022
Location:BLOC 302
Speaker:Xuehan Hu, TAMU
Title:Small ball probabilities for simple random tensors
Abstract:We study the small ball probability of simple random tensor X = X(1) ⊗ · · · ⊗ X(l) where X(i), 1 ≤ i ≤ l are independent random vectors in $\mathbb R^{n}$ that are log-concave or have density bounded by 1. We show that the probability that the projection of X onto an m-dimensional subspace F falls Within an Euclidean ball of length ε is upper bounded by Cεlog(1/\varepsilon)^{l−1} and ε also this upper bound is sharp when m is small. When the subspace is spanned by orthonormal uniform random vectors on the unit sphere, then we can obtain a much better estimate with high probability in terms of the random subspace.

Date:November 11, 2022
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:JM Landsberg, TAMU
Title:A problem in graph theory and algebraic geometry
Abstract:The problem: let K_s,t denote the complete bipartite graph with s edges on the left and t on the right. What is the largest number of edges in an n vertex graph not containing K_s,t as a subgraph? The use of algebraic geometry: a suitable random subvariety on the Segre P^b\times P^b over F_q furnishes the vertex set and the zero set of a random polynomial on the Segre furnishes the edges. This is work of Boris Bukh. In his proof he has to avoid a bad set which has interesting geometry that I'll discuss.

Date:November 15, 2022
Location:BLOC 302
Speaker:Xuehan Hu, TAMU
Title:Survey on smoothed analysis of tensor decomposition
Abstract:We introduce the smoothed analysis model of tensor decomposition and its applications in learning latent variable models. In particular, we are interested in the overcomplete case, that is, we are given a tensor in R^{n^l} with fixed rank r, where r>>n. We introduce Jennrich's Algorithm and discuss the conditions under which the algorithm will succeed with high probability.

Date:November 18, 2022
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:H. Huang, Auburn
Title:Hopf ring structures and spaces of symmetric tensors

Date:December 2, 2022
Location:BLOC 628
Speaker:Jan Draisma, U. Bern
Title:A wonderful conjecture by Kazhdan and Ziegler
Abstract:The conjecture: if f:Z ->{nxn-matrices over the complex numbers} is a c-quasihomomorphism (this means that f(a+b)-f(a)-f(b) has rank at most c for all a,b in Z, then f(a)-a*f(1) has rank at most some C=C(c), which doesn't depend on n. I'll discuss the problem and Kazhdan-Ziegler's motivation, and our (Eggermont, Seynnaeve, Tairi, and I) solution in the diagonal case.