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Texas A&M University

Topology Seminar

Fall 2024


Date:October 29, 2024
Location:BLOC 605AX
Speaker:Yangxiao Luo, University of Virginia
Title:Half grid diagrams and Thompson links
Abstract:Thompson links are links arising from elements of the Thompson group. They were introduced by Vaughan Jones as part of his effort to construct a conformal field theory for every finite index subfactor. It was shown that every link is isotopic to some Thompson link, so the Thompson group is as good as the braid groups at producing links. In this talk I will discuss a method to study Thompson links from the viewpoint of contact geometry. I will first talk about grid diagrams and their relationship with Legendrian links. We will also review Jones' construction of Thompson links based on a unitary representation of the Thompson group. Next I will introduce a notion of half grid diagram to give an equivalent construction of Thompson links and further associate with each Thompson link a canonical Legendrian type. Lastly, I will talk about some applications, including a lower bound of the maximal Thurston-Bennequin number in terms of the Thompson index. This is joint work with Shunyu Wan.

Date:November 4, 2024
Speaker:Yuxuan Yang, Peking University
Title:On the Volume Conjecture for hyperbolic Dehn-filled 3-manifolds along the twist knots
Abstract:For a twist knot K_p', let M be the closed 3-manifold obtained by doing (p, q) Dehn-filling along K_p'. In this article, we prove that Chen-Yang's volume conjecture holds for sufficiently large |p| + |q| and |p'| for M. In the proof, we construct a new ideal triangulation of the Whitehead link complement which is different from Thurston's triangulation. Our triangulation has led to some new discoveries regarding symmetry, including insights into "sister manifolds" as introduced by Hodgson, Meyerhoff, and Weeks. Meeting ID: 950 3735 3105 Passcode: 326879

Date:November 12, 2024
Location:BLOC 605AX
Speaker:Francis Bonahon, Michigan State University
Title:Invisible SL_n-skeins
Abstract:For a Lie group G, the G-skein module of a 3-dimensional manifold M is a fundamental object in Witten’s interpretation of quantum knot invariants in the framework of a topological quantum field theory. It depends on a parameter q and, when this parameter q is a root of unity, the G-skein module contains elements with a surprising “invisibility” property, in the sense that they can be traversed by any other skein without changing the resulting total skein. I will describe some of these invisible elements in the case of the special linear group SL_n. The construction is based on the very classical theory of symmetric polynomials in n variables.

Date:November 26, 2024
Speaker:Louisa Liles, University of Virginia
Title:Infinite Families of Quantum Modular 3-Manifold Invariants
Abstract:This talk will begin with an introduction to Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev (WRT) invariants and a related q-series which first appeared in the work of Lawrence and Zagier and unified the WRT invariants of the Poincaré homology sphere via radial limits. Remarkably it was also a key first example of a quantum modular form, a term later coined by Zagier with this series in mind and an object of interest in number theory. The q-series was later expanded to an invariant of negative definite plumbed 3-manifolds by Gukov, Pei, Putrov, and Vafa, and more recently extended by Akhmechet, Johnson, and Krushkal (AJK) to an infinite collection of two-variable series providing a common refinement with Némethi’s theory of lattice homology. After introducing the AJK invariants this talk will present results based on joint work with Eleanor McSpirit, in which we establish modularity properties and radial limits for infinite families of manifolds. Zoom Link: