MATH 470 Communications and Cryptography (Fall 2022)


Lectures: 11:10am--12:25pm Tue, Thu. RICH 114.



Instructor: Chun-Hung Liu, Blocker 631B, chliu (at) math (dot) tamu (dot) edu.

Office hours: Tue 2:00pm-4:00pm (face-to-face) or by appointments (Zoom or face-to-face.)



Textbook: ``An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography'', 2nd edition, by Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, and Joseph H. Silverman. Springer, ISBN 978-1-4939-1710-5 (ISBN for eBook: 978-1-4939-1711-2).


You can purchase the textbook at TAMU bookstore (online or in-person), but you do not have to buy it there if you can find it somewhere else cheaper.



Course Description: Introduction to coded communications, digital signatures, secret sharing, one-way functions, authentication, error control and data compression.



Prerequisites: MATH 304 or MATH 309 or MATH 311 or MATH 323; CSCE 110 or CSCE 111 or CSCE 121 or CSCE 206 or ENGR 112; approval of instructor.



Syllabus (This document contains important information about this course. Please read it carefully.)


Tentative schedule (This schedule might be updated frequently during the semester without notification. Dates for the midterms and final exam are fixed. The purpose of this schedule is to indicate what the sections of the textbook will be covered in the coming lectures. It will be helpful for understanding the material during the lectures if you read the textbook in advance.)





Homework assignments:

Questions for homework assignments will be announced here. The solutions will be posted at Canvas. All your work must be submitted to Gradescope.

Homework 1 (Due September 1, 11:10pm.)

Homework 2 (Due September 8, 11:10am.)

Homework 3 (Due September 15, 11:10am.)

Homework 4 (Due September 22, 11:10am.)

Homework 5 (Due September 29, 11:10am.)

First Midterm: October 4 (Tuesday) (Scope: Sections 1.1-1.5, 1.7, 2.2-2.4, 2.6-2.9.)

Homework 6 (Due October 18, 11:10am.)

Homework 7 (Due October 25, 11:10am.)

Homework 8 (Due November 1, 11:10am.)

Homework 9 (Due November 8, 11:10am.)

Homework 10 (Due November 15, 11:10am.)

Second Midterm: November 17 (Thursday) (Scope: Sections 3.1-3.10, 4.1-4.3.)

Homework 11 (Due November 29, 11:10am.)

Homework 12 (Self-practice only. No due date.)

Homework 13 (Self-practice only. No due date.)

Final Exam: December 9 (Friday), 3:00pm-5:00pm

(Scope: Sections 1.1-1.5, 1.7, 2.2-2.4, 2.6-2.9, 3.1-3.10, 4.1-4.3, 5.1, 5.3-5.5, 6.1-6.4.)