MATH 689 Special topics: Advanced Graph Theory (Spring 2020)


Lectures: : 9:55am—11:10am Mon, Wed. Blocker 163.



Instructor: Chun-Hung Liu, Blocker 631B, chliu (at) math (dot) tamu (dot) edu.

Office hours: Mon 2:00-3:00pm, Thu 11:00am-12:00pm, or by appointment.



Textbook: No required textbook.




Course Description: This course addresses deeper theorems and wider topics about graph theory than MATH 613. It will concentrate on central research topics and tools in structural and extremal graph theory which study the interplay of graph properties and structures and density of graphs. Tentative topics include Ramsey theory, probabilistic methods, tree-decompositions, graph minors, fractional graph theory, graph coloring, Turan-type questions, regularity lemma and topological methods.



Prerequisites: MATH 613 or equivalent.



Syllabus (This document contains important information about this course. Please read it carefully.) (This document might be revised during the first week of the semester.)


Tentative schedule (This schedule might be updated frequently during the semester without notification.)





Homework assignments:

To be announced at eCampus