Math 696 Section 100

(NOTE: Most resources for this course are available on E-Campus. Please check this link often for updates!)

Week of 22-25 June:
  • Announcements:
    1. Project 5 (Mini-Lecture pt 2) this week (22-25 June)
      • I will make you host when it is your turn; please return it to me when you are done (click on the dots on my screen or on my name in the Participant List, then select "Make Host").
      • I will chat message you a warning after 17 minutes. If you hit 20, I will verbally inform you that students are "packing up" because class is over, so immediately wrap up your "class".
      • Link to peer feedback form now available in eCampus (below Project 4 info under "Assignments"). Please complete this during the presentation and submit it immediately afterward.
      • I will post to eCampus results and a summary of feedback by 5pm Friday.
    2. Evaluations now available at

    Week of 15-18 June:
  • Announcements:
    1. Project 3 graded in eCampus (please look at comments-should be able to see by clicking on the grade)
    2. Project 4 (Mini-Lecture pt 1) this week (15-18 June)
      • I will make you host when it is your turn; please return it to me when you are done (click on the dots on my screen or on my name in the Participant List, then select "Make Host").
      • I will chat message you a warning after 17 minutes. If you hit 20, I will verbally inform you that students are "packing up" because class is over, so immediately wrap up your "class".
      • Link to peer feedback form now available in eCampus (below Project 4 info under "Assignments"). Please complete this during the presentation and submit it immediately afterward.
      • I will post to eCampus results and a summary of feedback no later than 3 days after your presentation.
    3. Project 5 next week (Mini-lecture pt 2). Using the same schedule for presenting and attendance as this week. Continuing your topic from this week (quick review of material, then focus on examples).

    Thursday, 11 June:
  • Announcements:
    1. Project 2 graded (grade in eCampus; click on grade to view feedback. -2 for each skipped or mathematically incorrect part; -1 for each code issue or direction not followed)
    2. Project 3 (Writing an Assessment) due 4pm Friday June 12
    3. Schedule for Project 4-5 now available in the eCampus Assignment.
    4. REMINDER: Email me your topic for Project 4-5 by 5pm Friday June 12
    5. Project 4 (Mini-lecture pt 1) June 15-18
  • Class Discussion #5 (Focus: Classroom Management)

  • Tuesday, 9 June:
  • Announcemnts:
    1. Last regular class Thursday, 11 June
  • Class Discussion #4 (Focus: Instructor of Record)
  • For Thursday (11 June), read the following notes and answer the Discussion Questions (posted in eCampus):
    1. Writing a Syllabus
    2. Legal Issues in Teaching
    3. Classroom Management

  • Thursday, 4 June:
  • Announcements:
    1. Project 2 (Python) due 4pm Friday, 5 June (Create PDF of your Jupyter Notebook and upload it to eCampus)
    2. Ofc Hrs tomorrow 10:30-11:30am
  • Class Discussion #3 (Focus: Mathematical Communication)
  • For Monday (8 June), read the following notes and answer the Discussion Questions (posted in eCampus):
    1. Creating Assessments
    2. Becoming an Instructor of Record

  • Monday, 1 June:
  • Announcements:
    1. Project 1 now graded-results available in eCampus (should be able to see score and feedback for deducted points)
  • Introduction to Python (Jupyter Notebook)
  • For Thursday's class, read the following notes and answer the Discussion Questions:
    1. Implementing Python in the Calclabs
    2. Classroom Technology
    3. Mathematical Communication

  • Friday, 29 May
  • Announcements:
    1. Project 1 (Rules and Procedures Exam) at 10:45 Friday, 29 May in eCampus
  • Class Discussion #2 (Focus: Recitation)
  • For Monday's class, read the following notes (Under "Class Resources": no Discussion Questions):
    1. Overview of Python in 151 (Skim)
    2. Overview of Python in 152 (Skim)
    3. Download Anaconda (Jupyter Interface and Python)***Read and DO IT***

  • Tuesday, 26 May:
  • Announcements:
    1. Welcome to MATH 696:100
  • Class Discussion #1 (Focus: University Rules and Procedures, Grading)
  • For Friday, read the following notes and answer the Discussion Questions (now posted in eCampus):
    1. Help Sessions
    2. Teaching to Special Populations
    3. Recitation

  • Pre-First Day Information:
  • Syllabus
  • For Tuesday, read the following notes and answer the Discussion Questions (posted in eCampus by Friday, May 22):
    1. Rules and Procedures
    2. Presentation by the University Honor Council
    3. Grading
    4. Also complete the "Syllabus Prep Work" posted in Lecture Notes in eCampus (NOTE: SAVE your answers, but do not SUBMIT your answers until after the class discussion Tuesday!)

  • MATH 696 Departmental Home Page
  • Return to David Manuel's homepage