QR Factorization with column pivoting

Define the matrix b.
b=[1 -1 3 1;-1 3 -5 2;2 -1 5 1;1 -1 3 2]

b =

     1    -1     3     1
    -1     3    -5     2
     2    -1     5     1
     1    -1     3     2
Show that b is singular.
ans =

Initialize pivot vector

p =

     1     2     3     4
Compute norms of columns
norms =

     7    12    68    10
Swap columns 1 and 3, to put the column with the largest norm first.
b(:,[1 3])=b(:,[3 1]);norms([1 3])=norms([3 1]);p([1 3])=p([3 1]);

norms, p

norms =

    68    12     7    10

p =

     3     2     1     4
1st Householder vector.
v1=b(:,1); v1(1)=v1(1)-norms(1)^(1/2); 
Transform b with 1st Housholder matrix.

b =

    8.2462   -3.1530    2.5466    0.4851
         0    0.9481    0.4740    1.5092
         0    1.0519    0.5260    1.4908
         0    0.2312    0.1156    2.2945

norms=norms - b(1,:).*b(1,:)

norms =

         0    2.0588    0.5147    9.7647
Swap columns 2 and 4.
b(:,[2 4])=b(:,[4 2]);norms([2 4])=norms([4 2]);p([2 4])=p([4 2]);
2nd Householder vector.
v2=b(:,2); v2(1)=0;v2(2)=v2(2)-norms(2)^(1/2); 
Apply 2nd housholder transform to b

b =

    8.2462    0.4851    2.5466   -3.1530
         0    3.1249    0.5647    1.1295
         0   -0.0000    0.4423    0.8846
         0         0   -0.0132   -0.0264

norms=norms - b(2,:).*b(2,:)

norms =

         0         0    0.1958    0.7831
Swap columns 3 and 4.
b(:,[3 4])=b(:,[4 3]);norms([3 4])=norms([4 3]);p([3 4])=p([4 3]);
3rd Householder vector.
v3=b(:,3); v3(1:2)=0;v3(3)=v3(3)-norms(3)^(1/2); 
Apply 3rd housholder transform to b

b =

    8.2462    0.4851   -3.1530    2.5466
         0    3.1249    1.1295    0.5647
         0   -0.0000    0.8849    0.4425
         0    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000
p =

     3     4     2     1

MATLAB qr with column pivoting.
[u,v,e]=qr([1 -1 3 1;-1 3 -5 2;2 -1 5 1;1 -1 3 2])

u =

   -0.3638   -0.2635    0.1702   -0.8771
    0.6063   -0.7342   -0.2927   -0.0877
   -0.6063   -0.2259   -0.7420    0.1754
   -0.3638   -0.5836    0.5786    0.4385

v =

   -8.2462   -0.4851    3.1530   -2.5466
         0   -3.1249   -1.1295   -0.5647
         0         0   -0.8849   -0.4425
         0         0         0   -0.0000

e =

     0     0     0     1
     0     0     1     0
     1     0     0     0
     0     1     0     0

Show pivot vector; compare with e above.

p =

     3     4     2     1
Note that e=I(:,[3 4 2 1]).